B.SC Agriculture Mcqs

Agriculture MCQS
Pakistan Agriculture MCQS pdf download with answer key. Pak agriculture mcqs questions with answers.

(1) The livestock share in agricultural growth has jumped from 25.3% in 1996 to ________ in 2006.

(2) Of the total forest area of Pakistan, commercial forests cover:

(3) To decrease water loss during transmission, a mega project for lining of water courses and canals was launched in 2004-05 with a cost of Rs ____.

(4) A condition when there is excessive produce in the market which lowers down price is:

(5) Total amount allocated by the Government for agriculture credit disbursement is Rs. ______.

(6) The estimated production of sugarcane for the year 2006-07 is ____ million tons.

(7) Increased vigour growth of a hybrid over parents is called:

(8) Cropping pattern in which the second crop is started amidst the first crop before it has been harvested is called:

(9) Time factor of cold days needed by certain plants to produce a bud:

(10) A natural dropping of leaves, flowers, and other plant parts is called:

(11) ICRISAT is located in:

(12) Mites are arthropods in class:

(13) Flax is:

(14) Plants having flowers of only one sex are:

(15) Area which can be economically irrigated by an irrigation system is called:

(16) A group of plants having identical genetic makeup from a single parent is called:

(17) C.E.C stands for:

(18) Breakdown of nitrate and nitrite by bacteria in an anaerobic condition is called:

(19) Best root stock of citrus in Punjab is:

(20) The expectation of occurrence of a particular event is called:

Answer Key:

(1)  49.6%
(2)  16%
(3)  75 billion
(4)  Market glut
(5) 180 billion
(6)  44.8%
(7)  Heterosis
(8)  Relay cropping
(9)  Vernalization
(10)  Abscission
(11) India
(12)  Insecta
(13)  Fibre producing plant
(14)  Dioecious
(15)  Command area
(16)  Clone
(17)  Cation Exchange Capacity
(18)  Denitrification
(19)  Rough lemon
(20)  Probability

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