Download PMS Philosophy Syllabus Paper-1 & Paper-2. The PMS Philosophy Syllabus delves into the historical evolution, theories, and contemporary movements of Western and Muslim philosophy, examining influential thinkers and their contributions across different epochs. It explores Greek philosophers, modern philosophical trends, Muslim theological doctrines, Sufism, major Muslim philosophers, and contemporary debates in Islamic thought, providing a comprehensive understanding of philosophical paradigms.
PMS Philosophy Syllabus Paper – I: Western Philosophy
Total Marks: 100
1. Introduction: The Essence and Significance of Philosophy
2. Greek Philosophers:
a) Plato:
Understanding Metaphysics
Theory of Knowledge
Theory of State
b) Aristotle:
Exploring Metaphysics
Theory of Knowledge and Logic
3. Modern Philosophers:
a) Descartes:
Doubt as a Path to Certainty
Concept of Dualism
b) Spinoza:
Doctrine of Substance
c) Locke:
Representative Realism
d) Berkeley:
Embracing Subjective Idealism
e) Hume:
Examination of Skepticism
f) Kant:
Understanding Transcendental Idealism
g) Hegel:
Application of Dialectical Method
Absolute Idealism
h) Nietzsche:
Concept of the Superman
Embracing the Will to Power
4. Contemporary Philosophical Movements:
a) Existentialism:
Contributions by Jean Paul Sartre
b) Logical Positivism:
Criterion of Verifiability
Challenging Metaphysics
c) Neo-Pragmatism:
Richard Rorty’s Views on:
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PMS Philosophy Syllabus Paper – II: Muslim Philosophy
Total Marks: 100
1. Genesis and Evolution of Theological and Philosophical Thought in Islam
2. Muslim Theology:
a) Mutazilites:
Core Principles
Embracing Naturalistic Ethics
b) Asharites:
Understanding Divine Attributes
Debate on the Createdness / Uncreatedness of the Quran
Contemplation on Human Freedom
3. Sufism:
a) Origin and Core Characteristics of Sufism
b) Metaphysics in Sufism:
Wahdat al Wajud
Wahdat al Shuhud
4. Muslim Philosophers:
a) Ibn Sina:
Conceptualization of Being
Doctrine of Emanation
Study of Psychology
b) Al Ghazali:
Methodological Approach
Critique of Philosophers
c) Ibn Rushd:
Efforts to Reconcile Philosophy and Religion
Theory of Knowledge
d) Ibn Khaldun:
Conceptualization of History
Critique of Metaphysics
5. Modern Revivers of Islamic Thought:
a) Shah Waliullah:
Philosophical Stance on Metaphysics
Social Philosophy
b) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
Perspectives on God, Humanity, and the Universe
Understanding Religion and Ethics
c) Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Examination of Epistemology
Concept of the Ego
Concept of Ijtehad
6. Contemporary Dialogues:
a) Religious Modernism
b) Religious Fundamentalism
c) Islamization of Knowledge