UTS Solved MCQs Papers for Constables

UTS Jobs Syllabus MCQs Papers
UTS Solved MCQs Papers for Constables

Download UTS Constable Test Solved MCQs Past and Sample Papers

1.   Who was the father of Economics?
 A: Adam smith      B: john marshal   C: Adam Bede            D: Charles Babbage

2:   What is the year of French Revolution?

A: 1789      B: 1879                        C: 1790                       D: 1791

3:   Who conquered Spain in 711 A.D.?
A: Alau ud din khilji                        B: Musa bin naseer     C: Tariq bin ziad       D: Mohammad bin qasim

4:   When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?
A: 1864      B: 1863                        C: 1865                       D: 1906

5: What was the original name of Orang Zaib Alamgir?

A: Miza kutab din   B: shafi Mahammad    C: Mahyud-ud-din   D: none of these

6: Socrates was the teacher of?

A: Aristotle B: Francic Bacon        C: Plato                      D: Hero Dotus

7: When Mustafa Kamal Ataturk was given the title of Ataturk?

A: 1935                  B: 1934                        C: 1832                       D: 1937

8: Who was the leader of Boy Scout association?

A: Lord Pitman                  B: Lord Baden Paul  C: john Baden Paul     D: none of these

9: Who invented Radio?

A: Garaham Bell                B: Marconi       C: Radial Villiams      D: Einstein

10: Who wrote “the importance of Being Earnest”?

A: Oscar wilde                 B: john keats     C: G.B. Shaw   D: Thomas Hardy

11: ________ is the source of energy for human brain?

A: Glucose           B: Sugar          C: Almond oil               D: Coconut oil

12: What is the most precious metal of universe?

A: Gold                  B: Crude Oil    C: Diamond                 D: Platinum

13: Which is the most intelligent animal after human being?
A: Apes                        B: Monkeys         C: Dolphin              D: Parrot

14: The second largest desert of the world is?
A: Arabian Desert      B: Sahara        C: Gobi desert             D: Great Bear

15: 1917 is known for?
A: French Revolution           B: Emancipation Declaration  C: Russian revolution D: Simla Pact

16: Capital of Spain is?
A: Madrid        B: Albania        C: Pisa                        D: Pannonia

17: Currency of Italy is?
A: Euro                       B: Italian Rupee                       C: Lira             D: Italian Dollar

18: The first woman in space was?
A: Lila William             B: Valentine Tereshkova                 C: Décor Venn                        D: ilea Eustachio

19: The headquarters of ECO is located in?
A: Delhi            B: Kabul          C: Tehran       D: Saharan

20: Darling is the name of?
A: Sea             B: Lover’s nick name              C: Desert                    D: River

21: The outflow of Indus River is?
A: Indian Sea               B: Arabian ocean       C: Artic Ocean                        D: Baltic Sea

22: The largest lake of the world is?
A: Ansoo Lake             B: Green Island lake                C: Caspian Sea                     D: Dead Sea

23: The standard time of Pakistan is?
A: 5 hours ahead of Greenwich time          B: PST                        C: 12:00 P.M.              D: Hour Zero

24: Strait of Dover separates?
A: England and France                     B: France and Germany                     C: England and Germany
D: France and Italy

25: World smallest state by population is?
A: Brazil           B: Vatican City                       C: Russian Federation                        D: Antarctica

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