CSS Business Administration Syllabus

PAPER: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016I. ManagementDefining Organization, Management, and Management in OrganizationsFour Management Functions, Management Roles, Management SkillsOrganizational Internal-External EnvironmentManagement Planning, Goal Setting, and Decision MakingStrategic Management Process: Strategy Formulation and ImplementationDeveloping Organizational Structure and DesignDesigning Adaptive OrganizationsManaging Change and InnovationLeadership and MotivationII. HR ManagementRole of Human Resource […]

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CSS Geology Syllabus

PAPER: GEOLOGY (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016 Part- I (50-marks)I. Introduction to Physical GeologyIntroduction and scope of geology, its importance and relationship with othersciences, Earth as a member of the solar system; its origin, age, composition andinternal structure, Introduction to rocks and mineral, Weathering and erosion,Isostasy, Geological Time Scale. II. Stratigraphy […]

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CSS Statistics Syllabus

PAPER: STATISTICS (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016Part – I (50 marks)I. Descriptive StatisticsDefinition, Importance and scope of Statistics, Descriptive and Inferential Statistics,Presentation of the Data, Tables, Graphs and Charts: Stem-and leaf diagram, Boxand Whisker Plots. Measures of Central Tendency/location, Measures ofDispersion/Variability: Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis.II. Basic ProbabilityBasic Probability Concepts, Additive […]

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CSS Pure Mathematics Syllabus

PAPER: PURE MATHEMATICS (100 MARKS)Section-A (40- marks)I. Modern AlgebraGroup, subgroups, Lagranges theorem, Cyclic groups, Normal subgroups, Quotientgroups. Fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Isomorphism theorems of groups,Inner automorphisms. Conjugate elements, conjugate subgroups. Commutatorsubgroups.Ring, Subrings, Integral domains, Quotient fields, Isomorphism theorems, Fieldextension and finite fields.Vector spaces, Linear independence, Bases, Dimension of a finitely generatedspace. Linear transformations, Matrices and […]

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CSS Applied Mathematics Syllabus

CSS Applied Mathematics Syllabus PAPER: APPLIED MATHEMATICS (100 MARKS)I. Vector Calculus (10%)Vector algebra; scalar and vector products of vectors; gradient divergence and curl ofa vector; line, surface and volume integrals; Green’s, Stokes’ and Gauss theorems.II. Statics (10%)Composition and resolution of forces; parallel forces and couples; equilibrium of asystem of coplanar forces; centre of mass of […]

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CSS Chemistry Syllabus

PAPER: CHEMISTRY (200 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016CSS Chemistry Syllabus Paper-I (100 Marks)I. Atomic Structure and Quantum ChemistryElectromagnetic spectrum, photoelectric effect, Bohr’s atomic model, wave andparticle nature of matter, de Broglie’s equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,wave functions and Born interpretation of wave functions, probability density, Eigenfunctions and Eigen values, Hamiltonian operator, Schrödinger wave […]

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CSS Physics Syllabus

PAPER: PHYSICS (200 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016Physics Paper 1 Syllabus (Marks-100)I. MechanicsVectors—Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications.Newtonian laws of motion; calculus based approach to kinematics, forces anddynamics, conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angularmomentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and precession; gyroscope;Gravitation; planetary motion and satellites; […]

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CSS International Relations Papers Syllabus

PAPER: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (200 MARKS)Paper—1 (Marks-100)I. IntroductionThe Definition and Scope of International Relations.The Nation-State SystemEvolution of International SocietyII. Theories and ApproachesThe Classical Approaches-Realism and idealismThe Scientific Revolution-Behavioral Approach, System Approach,Neo-realism, Neo-liberalism.Post-modernism, Critical Theory, Feminism, ConstructivismIII. International Political Security.Conceptualization of security in the twenty-first centuryPower. Elements of National PowerBalance of PowerForeign Policy: Determinants, Decision making and […]

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CSS Political Science Papers Syllabus

PAPER: POLITICAL SCIENCE (200 MARKS)PAPER I- (Marks – 100)Part-A (50 Marks)I. Western Political Thought:Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Mill, Bentham,Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Gramsci, Kai Popper, Pierre Bourdieu, John Rawis, FrancesFukuyama, Foucault, Derrida Kierkegard, Jean Paul Sartre, Rene DescarteII. Muslim Political Thought:Al-Farabi, Al-Marawardi, Abne-Rushid, Imam Ghazali, Ibne-Taymiyya, Nizam-ul-MulkTusi,Al-Ghazali, Ibn-i-Khuldun, Shah Waliullah, Allama […]

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CSS Computer Science Papers Syllabus

PAPER: COMPUTER SCIENCE (200 MARKS)Paper-I (100 Marks)Section-A (50 Marks)I. Introduction to ComputingIntroduction to Information Technology and Computers, History of Computing, ComputerHW and SW Details, Computer System Components and Communication System, Input &Output devices and their types, Storage Media and their types, Types of ComputerHardware, Software, and Programming languages, Information Representation & NumberSystems, User interfaces, Major […]

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