Zoology MCQS Papers

SPSC Zoology solved Mcqs Past Papers notes download in pdf. Zoology mcqs practice tests and mock tests free online. (i) Cell membrane is formed of: Ans: Lipid (ii) Electron transport chain reaction occur in: Ans: Mitochondrion (iii) Ribosomes in cell are responsible for: Ans: Protein formation (v) Basic excretory chemicals in all the cells is: […]

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SPSC Subject Specialist Zoology MCQs Past Papers pdf

Subject Specialist SS Zoology Solved MCQs Past Papers download in pdf. SS Zoology solved mcqs from past papers. (1) Chemical composition of Ribosomes is: Ans: (RNA & Protein (2) Electron Transport chain is located in: Ans: mitochondria (3) During transcription, the process that involves the synthesis of: Ans: mRNA (4) In Drosophila (Fruit fly), an […]

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Zoology MCQs MSc MS Level

(1)   The main division of the chromosomes occurs in:(a) Prophase(b) Metaphase(c) Anaphase(d) Jelophase(e) None of these (c) Anaphase (2) The protein synthesis occurs in:(a) Mitochondria(b) Endoplasmic reticulum(c) Ribosomes(d) Acrosome(e) None of these (c) Ribosomes (3) Blood antigens are present in:(a) Blood serum(b) RBC’s(c) WBC’s(d) Platelets(e) None of these (b) RBC’s (4) Sex linked genes are […]

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Zoology MCQs for CSS Exams

(1) Contractile vacoule in protozoa is basically responsible for(a) Excretion(b) osmoregultion(c) Feeding (d) All of these. (b) osmoregultion (2) Pneumatocysts are typically present in (a) Porifera(b) Annelida(c) Coelentrata(d) Protozoa(c) Coelentrata (3) Pinococysts are present in(a) Echinodermata(b) Arthropoda(c) Porifera(d) None of these. (c) Porifera (4) Nerve cord is dorsally located in (a) Annelids(b) Mollusca(c) Arthropodes(d) None […]

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Zoology MCQs BSc BS Level

(1) Many humans become ill by consuming milk products because they lack:(a) Bacteria in their intestines(b) Rennin(c) Hydrochloric acid(d) Lactase(e) None of these (d) Lactase (2) Which of the following process cause substance to move across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy?(a) Endocytosis(b) Active transport(c) Diffusion(d) None of these (c) Diffusion (3) Respiratory pigment […]

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NTS Solved Zoology MCQs Past Papers Test

NTS Solved Zoology MCQs Past Papers Test 1) Cell membrane is chemicallya. nucleoproteinb. lipoproteinc. lipidd. protein b. lipoprotein 2). ATP is produced in a. golgi complexb. lysosomec. mitochondriad. none of these c. mitochondria 3).Transcription is the phenomenon involved witha. mRNA formationb. binding of aminoacidc. DNA replicationd. all of thesea. mRNA formation 4) Glycolsis accurs in […]

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Zoology MCQs Papers for Lecturer

1. Metamerically segmented worms belong to phylum:(a). Nematoda (b). platyhelminthes (c) Annelida (d). None of these 2. Which of the following is multiflagellate protozoa?(a). ceratium (b).Noctiluca (c). Leishmania (d). None of these 3. spicules are secreted by:(a). Scleroblasts (b). nematoblasts (c). endoblasts (d). none ofthese 4. which of the following is the porous opening through […]

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Solved Zoology MCQs for CSS PMS

i)What is the function of contractile vacuole?a) Respiration b) reproduction c) osmoregulation d) digestion e) none of these ii) specules are secreted by special mesenchymal amoebocytes calleda)scleroblasts b)microscleres c)myocytes d)collencytes e) none of theseiii) true nerve cells or ganglion cells occur for the first time ina) protozoa b) porifera c)coelentrata d)annelida e) none of these […]

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