Zoology MCQs for CSS Exams

Zoology MCQs
(1) Contractile vacoule in protozoa is basically responsible for
(a) Excretion
(b) osmoregultion
(c) Feeding
(d) All of these.

(b) osmoregultion

(2) Pneumatocysts are typically present in
(a) Porifera
(b) Annelida
(c) Coelentrata
(d) Protozoa

(c) Coelentrata

(3) Pinococysts are present in
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Arthropoda
(c) Porifera
(d) None of these.

(c) Porifera

(4) Nerve cord is dorsally located in
(a) Annelids
(b) Mollusca
(c) Arthropodes
(d) None of these

(d) None of these

(5) Open circulatory system is present in
(a) Annelids
(b) Insects
(c) Reptiles
(d) Mammals

(b) Insects

(6) Sponges are present in
(a) Marine
(b) Freshwater
(c) Moist places
(d) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Both (a) and (b)

(7) Telson is present in
(a) Annelids
(b) Arthropoda
(c) Molluse
(d) Chordates

(b) Arthropoda

(8) Entamoeba histolytica is a member of class
(a) Scyphozoa
(b) Polycheata
(c) Mastigophora
(d) None of these

(d) None of these

(9) A house fly has legs
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 6
(d) 4

(d) 4

(10) Wasps bite using
(a) Mouth
(b) Proboscis
(c) Genital claspers
(d) None of these

(b) Proboscis

(11) Number of cranial nerves in fish
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 8
(d) None of these

(a) 10

(12) Frog has ribes
(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 4
(d) None of these

(d) None of these

(13) Scales in reptiles are
(a) Ectodermal
(b) mesodermal
(c) Both a & b
(d) Endodermal

(a) Ectodermal

(14) Gill slits in Amphioxus are present
(a) Mouth
(b) Neck
(c) Pharynx
(d) Head

(c) Pharynx

(15) Giraffe has neck vertbrea
(a) 15
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) None of these

(c) 7

(16) Duck billed platypus has on its body
(a) Feathers
(b) Hairs
(c) Scales
(d) None of these

(a) Feathers

(17) Pulmonary vein in mammals carries blood
(a) Deoxygenated
(b) oxygenated
(c) Both a&b
(d) None of these

(b) oxygenated

(18) RBCs in amphibians are
(a) Nucleated
(b) Without nucleus
(c) Both a&b
(d) None of these

(a) Nucleated

(19) Python kills its prey by
(a) poison biting
(b) Constriction
(c) Both a&b
(d) None of these

(b) Constriction

(20)The location of mouth is ventral in
(a) Bony fish
(b) permyzaon
(c) Shark
(d) None of these

(c) Shark

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