CSS 2018 New Revised Compulsory Optional Subjects Syllabus

CSS 2018 New Revised Compulsory Optional Subjects Syllabus FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REVISED SCHEME OF CSS COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION WRITTEN EXAMINATION (1200 MARKS) A: COMPULSORY SUBJECTS (600 MARKS) Code No. Subjects Marks 1. English Essay 100 2. English (Precis and Composition) 100 3. General Science & Ability 100 4. Current Affairs 100 5. Pakistan Affairs 100 […]

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CSS Sociology Paper Syllabus

PAPER: SOCIOLOGY (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016I. General Sociology 1. Individual: Sociability or the sociality of man. 2. Culture: Meaning and Characteristics (Culture is variable, learnt, social, shared,Transmissive, dynamic and adaptive), types (Material, Non –material), functions(transfer of knowledge, define situation, provide Behaviour pattern, mouldspersonality) and elements of culture (norms, values, beliefs, […]

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CSS Geography Paper Syllabus

PAPER: GEOGRAPHY (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016 Part –I (Marks 50)Physical GeographyI. Factors controlling landform development; endogenetic and exogenetic forces; originand evolution of the earth’s crust; physical conditions of the earth’s interior;geosynclines; continental drift; isostasy; sea-floor spreading; plate tectonics;mountain building; volcanicity; earthquakes; concepts of geomorphic cycles; landformsassociated with fluvial, arid, glacial, […]

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CSS Law Syllabus

PAPER: LAW (100 MARKS) I. Definitions of Crime II. All Provisions of:i. Concept of arbitration, arbitration with or without intervention of court and in civilsuits.ii. Establishment of Civil Courts with their Original & Appellate Jurisdiction. iii. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 iv. Pakistan Panel Code, 1860 v. Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984 vi. Criminal Procedure Code, […]

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CSS Philosophy Syllabus

PAPER: PHILOSOPHY (100 MARKS)Revised New Syllabus I. Introduction:Definition, Nature and Scope of Philosophy II. Philosophical Methods:Socratic Method (Socrates); Inductive Method (Bacon, Mill); Deductive Method(Aristotle, Descartes); Dialectical Method (Hegel); Fallibilistic Method (Popper) III. Epistemology: Rationalism (Plato, Descartes, Spinoza); Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley,Hume); Transcendentalism (Kant); Intuitionism (Bergsonl) IV. Ontology: Idealism (Plato, Berkeley); Representative Realism (Locke); Materialism(Marx) V. Muslim […]

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CSS Agriculture Forestry Syllabus

PAPER: AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY (100 MARKS)CSS Revised Syllabus Part-I: Agriculture (50 marks) I. Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases foragriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy) II. Challenges in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects.Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management,livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource […]

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CSS English Literature Syllabus

PAPER: ENGLISH LITERATURE (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016 The paper is divided into six components along with the marks allocation for eachcomponent.I. Essays: (10 Marks)Bertrand Russell (The Conquest of Happiness)George Orwell (Politics and the English Language; The Prevention of Literature)Ralph Waldo Emerson (The Transcendentalist; Self-reliance) II. Short Stories: (10 Marks)Somerset Maugham […]

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CSS Zoology Syllabus

PAPER: ZOOLOGY (100 MARKS)I. Animal Diversity-InvertebratesArchitectural pattern of an animal, Taxonomy and phylogeny, Major subdivisions ofanimal kingdom.Animal-Like Protists: The Protozoa: evolutionary perspective, locomotion andreproduction, Protozoa of veterinary and medical importance.Porifera: Body wall, skeleton and water currents system. Coelenterates:Reproduction plan and alteration of generation (Polymorphism), Coral reefs.Platyhelminthes and Nematodes: Parasitic adaptations and medical importance.Annelids: Metamerism and […]

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CSS Botany Syllabus

PAPER: BOTANY (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016 I. Algae, Fungi and BryophytesPhycology: Distribution, Classification, Structure, Life History and Economicimportance of the main groups of Algae.Mycology and Plant Pathology: Structure, Reproduction, Classification andEconomic importance of the main groups of Fungi. Diseases of economicallyimportant crops and general principles of their controlBryology: Structure and […]

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CSS Public Administration Syllabus

PAPER: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (100 MARKS)Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016 I. Public Administration: Concepts, Approaches and ContextDefinitions; Role and Scope of Public Administration in Society; Issues in PublicAdministration Theory and Practice – Democracy versus Bureaucracy, Politics versusAdministration, Efficiency versus Equity; Core Values of Public Administration – Ruleof Law, Efficiency, Equity and Fairness, Responsiveness; […]

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