CSS Agriculture Forestry Syllabus

CSS Syllabus for all Subjects
CSS Revised Syllabus

Part-I: Agriculture (50 marks)

I. Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases for
agriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy)

II. Challenges in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects.
Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management,
livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource management and rural
development. Institutions and policies: issues and options.

III. Elements of Climate and their Relationship with Crop Growth: Farming Systems,
biological nitrogen fixation, soil profile, structure and texture, soil fertility, soil erosion
and conservation, water logging and salinity

IV. Genetic Improvement for Crop Production: GMO crops, Seed production technology.

V. Horticulture: Floriculture, landscaping, pests and diseases of agriculture crops and
their control, integrated pest management.

VI. Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture: Agriculture mechanization, land tenure and land
reforms, role of agriculture in national economy.

Part-II Forestry = (50 Marks)

I. Forest, range lands and wild life importance and significance

II. Forest management and utilization, wood based industries in Pakistan, silviculture

III. Range management and utilization

IV. National and international forest wealth statistics

V. Role of wildlife as value addition to forestry

VI. Forest based wildlife reservations of Pakistan and their management, eco-tourism

VII. Forestry, agroforestry, social forestry and forest biometrics

VIII. Socio-economic and ecological impact of manmade forests

IX. Watershed Management and role of forests in prevailing climate change dilemma

X. National forest laws and policies at national level, biodiversity & environment

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