Public Administration MCQS for CSS PMS

(i) Public administration refers to:(a) A process(b) A discipline(c) A field of study(d) All of these (ii) The concept of “separation between politics and public administration” was first propounded by:(a) Aristotle(b) Woodrow Wilson(c) Karl Marx(d) Machiavelli (iii) The famous fourteen principles of organization were given by:(a) Plato(b) Henri Fayol(c) Fredrick Taylor(d) Max Weber (iv) The […]

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1)The study of individuals and groups in organizations is known as: a)total quality management b) Human resource maintenancec)the manager’s challenge d) the contigency approache)organizational behaviour 2)Organizational behaviour is: a)a commitment to continous improvement b)a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiencesc)the attempt by scholars to identify how situations can […]

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(i). The differnece between public administration and business administration is : (a) amount of political and legal constraints on decision making(b) the emphasis on efficiency(c) managment structure and processes(d) no difference between public administration and business administration(e) None of these Ans (c) (ii) The emphasis of the politics-administration dochotomy is on: (a) the focus or […]

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