Public Administration
1)The study of individuals and groups in organizations is known as:

a)total quality management b) Human resource maintenance
c)the manager’s challenge d) the contigency approach
e)organizational behaviour

2)Organizational behaviour is:

a)a commitment to continous improvement
b)a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiences
c)the attempt by scholars to identify how situations can be understood and managed in ways that respond appropriately to their unique characteristics.
d)the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
e)the attraction and continuation of a viable workforce.

3)Total quality management is:

a)a commitment to continous improvement.
b)a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of work experiences.
c)the attempt by scholars to identify how situations can be understood and managed in ways that respond appropriately to their unique characteristics.
d)the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
e)the attraction and continuation of a viable workforce.

4)Each of the following are requirements of twenty-first century managers except that they:

a)must be prepared to deal with people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds.
b)must value quality.
c)contend with a workforce whose skills match new tasks and technologies.
d)must personally do things to add value to the organization’s ability to meet customers’ needs.
e)value diversity.

5)A relatively permanent change in behaviour that happens as a result of experience is known as:

a) learning b) life-long learning c) experiential learning d) organizational learning e)the manager’s challenge

6)The process of continous learning from the full variety of one’s actual work and life experience is known as :
a) learning b) life-long learning c) experiential learning d) organizational learning e)the manager’s challenge

7)The individual performance equation is concerned with:

a) capacity,willingness,opportunity b) capacity ,effort,opportunity c) effectiveness,effort,willingness
d) effort ,opportunity,threat e)opportunity,capacity,intelligence

8)Personality contributes to considerations of:

a)what individuals can be b)what individuals will do c)what individuals are like d)organizational support e)difference between men and women

9)For people who work hard but still do not achieve high performance levels,there may be:

a)lack of fit between individuals attributes and task requirements.
b)improper allocation of rewards c)low motivation d)too much motivation
e)lack of psychological need satisfaction

10)Content motivation theories are represented by:

a)Maslow,Alderfer,Herzberg, and McClland b)Maslow,Alderfer,Herzberg, and vroom c)Maslow,Adams,Herzberg, and vroom d)Alderfer,Adams,McClland,and vroom e)Alderfer,Maslow,Adams

11)Intrinsic work rewards are:

a)received by an indivdual directly as a result of task performance.
b)externally controlled
c)sometimes internally controlled,sometimes externally controlled.
d)generally less important than extrinsic reward.
e)generally outside the control of managers.

12)Vertical job loading involves:

a)employee planning and evaluating responsibilities.
b)performance of more tasks.
c)performance of different tasks on different days.
d)employee cleanup responsibilities
e)employee promotion up the organization hierarchy

13)Job enrichment:

a)must be directed towards individuals
b)must be directed towards groups
c)can be directed toward either groups or individuals.
d)tends to receive strong labor union support
e)can be applied to all workers equally well.

14)Rewarding individual results tends to:

a)increase cohesiveness b)decrease cohesiveness c)increase performance norms d)decrease performance norms e) have little or no effect on cohesiveness nor performance norms

15)The process whereby individuals or groups are held responsible for making their own decisions is known as:
a)autonomy b)empowerment c)team building d)multiskilling e)self-responsibility

16)Which of the following term is used in leadership research to describe a leader who shows a great degree of emphasis on the welfare of his/her subordinates?
a)employee-centred b)production-centred c)compassion-centred d)work -oriented e)structure-centred

17)Charisma is related to which type of leadership?
a)managerial b)transformational c)relationship motivated d)employee-centred e)structuring

18)What are the two basic type of leadership?
a)ethical and programmed b)programmed and crafted c)programmed and certain d)crafted and uncertain e)nonroutine and crafted

19)Interpersonal communications is the:

a)process of translating and idea or thought into meaningful symbols.
b)interpretation of symbols sent from sender to the receiver.
c)process by which entities exchange information and establish a common understanding.
d)process of telling someone else how can feels about something the person did or said about the situation in general.
e)process of sending and receiving symbols with attached meanings–from one person—to another.

20)Effective communication occurs when:

a)the reciever does as the sender says.
b)job satisfaction is improved
c)the intended meaning of the source is the same as the perceived meaning of the receiver
d)the sender is clear and articulate
e)the receiver provides feedback to the sender.

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