Public Administration MCQS for CSS PMS

Public Administration

(i) Public administration refers to:
(a) A process
(b) A discipline
(c) A field of study
(d) All of these

(ii) The concept of “separation between politics and public administration” was first propounded by:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Woodrow Wilson
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Machiavelli

(iii) The famous fourteen principles of organization were given by:
(a) Plato
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) Fredrick Taylor
(d) Max Weber

(iv) The author of the famous essay “ The Study of Administration” was:
(a) Dwight Waldo
(b) Woodrow Wilson
(c) Fredrick Taylor
(d) Margaret Thatcher

(v) Span of control means:
(a) Tenure on a post
(b) Geographical jurisdiction
(c) Power to control others
(d) Number of subordinates under a superior

(vi) Job description relates to appointing a suitable person on a job:
(a) True
(b) False

(vii) Job specification defines the parameters of the job to be done:
(a) True
(b) False

(viii) Proper job analysis is based on:
(a) Job description
(b) Job specification
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(ix) Bureaucracy refers to:
(a) Red tape
(b) The totality of government officials
(c) A specific set of structural arrangement
(d) All of these

(x) The mnemonic POSDCORB for management was introduced by:
(a) James Mooney
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Luther Gulick
(d) None of these

(xi) The famous Hawthorne experiments were conducted by:
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Abraham H. Maslow
(c) Mark Twain
(d) None of these

(xii) “Hawthorne effect” refers to increase in productivity because of:
(a) Good physical working environment
(b) Secure job
(c) Presence of observers
(d) None of these

(xiii) Maslow’s highest need in his “hierarchy of needs” was:
(a) Love or affiliation needs
(b) Self –actualization needs
(c) Esteem needs
(d) None of these

(xiv) “The average human being inherently dislikes work”
(a) An assumption of theory X
(b) An assumption of theory Y
(c) An assumption of theory Z
(d) None of these

(xv) Spoils system refers to:
(a) Management through objectives
(b) Public sector concept of staffing
(c) Awarding jobs to political supporters
(d) None of these

(xvi) Deficit financing is:
(a) Excess revenues
(b) Excess expenditures
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(xvii) Performance audit is used as a comparison between:
(a) Actual expenditure and booked expenditure
(b) Revenue collected and potential revenue
(c) Activities of an organization with the assigned objectives
(d) None of these

(xviii) A whistle blower in an organization is a person:
(a) Who reveals bad things about his department to the public
(b) Who is a good singer
(c) Who is assigned security duties
(d) None of these

(xix) The budget cycle is:
(a) The duration for which it is applicable
(b) The process through which it has to go
(c) The time frame of preparation
(d) None of these

(xx) Group dynamics refers to:
(a) Nature of a group
(b) Development of a group
(c) Interrelationship of a group
(d) All of these

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