General Knowledge

General Knowledge Tests

General Knowledge Questions with answers online practice exam.

Q: Who discovered Niagara Falls?
A: Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin.

Q: Which island is popularly known as the “Island of Cloves”?
A: Madagascar is popularly known as the “Island of Cloves.”

Q: In which country is the River Darling located?
A: The River Darling is located in Australia.

Q: What is the nickname of the Panama Canal?
A: The Panama Canal is known as the “Gateway of the Pacific.”

Q: Which two oceans does the Panama Canal connect?
A: The Panama Canal links the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean.

Q: When was the Panama Canal opened?
A: The Panama Canal was opened in 1914.

Q: Which river crosses the Equator twice?
A: The Amazon River crosses the Equator twice.

Q: In which country does the Amazon River originate?
A: The Amazon River originates in Peru.

Q: Which river is the longest and largest in Asia?
A: The Yangtze River is the longest and largest river in Asia.

Q: Which is the deepest lake in the world, located in Siberia?
A: Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, located in Siberia.

Q: Which river flows through Baghdad?
A: The Tigris River flows through Baghdad.

Q: Which city has the most canals?
A: Birmingham is known for having the most canals.

Q: In which country are the Painted Lakes located?
A: The Painted Lakes are located in Indonesia.

Q: What is the longest river in Australia?
A: The Murray-Darling River is the longest river in Australia.

Q: What is the largest man-made lake in the USA, located on the Arizona-Nevada border?
A: Lake Mead is the largest man-made lake in the USA.

Q: Which country is home to the 3 Gorges Dam?
A: The 3 Gorges Dam is located in China.

Q: From which country does the Indus River originate near Mansorowar Lake?
A: The Indus River originates from Tibet, near Mansorowar Lake.

Q: Where are the Victoria Falls located, and on which river?
A: The Victoria Falls are located in Zimbabwe, on the Zambezi River.

Q: Which mountain is located on the island of Java?
A: Mount Merapi is located on Java.

Q: What is the largest coral reef in the world?
A: The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef, located in Australia.

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