GK Questions Class 2

GK Solar System

GK Questions Class 2 with Answers. General Knowledge Questions Class 2 with Answers Online Practice Test and Mock Test Free pdf.

Q: The largest planet in our solar system is?

A: Jupiter.

Q: Write name of planet which is known as the “Red Planet” in the our solar system?

A: Mars.

Q: The closest planet to the Sun is?

A: Mercury.

Q: How many planets our solar system has?

A: 8

Q: The hottest planet in our solar system is?

A: Venus.

Q: The planet with the most moons in our solar system?

A: Jupiter, with over 80 confirmed moons.

Q: Which planet is famous for its beautiful rings?

A: Saturn.

Q: The largest moon in our solar system is?

A: Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.

Q: Which planet has the most extreme temperature changes?

A: Mercury, with temperatures ranging from extremely hot to extremely cold.

Q: The planet which has the largest volcano in our solar system?

A: Mars, with Olympus Mons being the largest volcano.

Q: The smallest planet in our solar system is?

A: Mercury.

Q: The farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system is?

A: Neptune.

Q: Which planet is often referred to as Earth’s “twin”?

A: Venus.

Q: The largest asteroid in our solar system is?

A: Ceres, located in the asteroid belt.

Q: The spacecraft that landed on Saturn’s moon, Titan is ?

A: Huygens, a part of the Cassini mission.

Q: Which planet has the shortest day?

A: Jupiter, with a day lasting about 9.9 hours.

Q: Write name of the first man-made object to leave our solar system?

A: Voyager 1.

Q: Which planet has the largest storm known as the “Great Red Spot”?

A: Jupiter.

Q: What is the Kuiper Belt?

A: The Kuiper Belt is a region beyond Neptune that is home to many icy objects, including Pluto.

Q: The brightest star in our solar system is?

A: The Sun.

GK Solar System Part-2

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