IBA Online Test Preparation MCQS

GK Science

IBA Online Test Preparation MCQS Science MCQ Questions with answers online free mock test. Basic general science important basic mcq for quiz.

(i) The main purpose of a computer is to process and store information, perform calculations, and facilitate communication.

(ii) Polio is caused by the poliovirus.

(iii) Stalagmites are deposits of mineral-rich water dripping from the ceiling of a cave and accumulating on the cave floor.

(iv) Bauxite is one of the primary ores of aluminum.

(v) The chemical name of washing soda is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).

(vi) The main constituent of Sui gas is methane (CH4).

(vii) Violet color has the shortest wavelength.

(viii) Glass is a non-crystalline solid.

(ix) The monomers of proteins are amino acids.

(x) Ascorbic acid is vitamin C.

(xi) The solar system has eight planets.

(xii) ”AIDS” is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus HIV.

(xiii) In a normal resting person, the rate of heart beat is approximately 60 to 100 beats per minute.

(xiv) The science that deals with heredity is known as genetics.

(xv) Copper mineral is found in various regions of Pakistan, including Balochistan and Sindh.

(xvi) The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is oxygen.

(xvii) A manometer is an apparatus used for measuring the pressure of gases.

(xviii) The smallest branches of an artery that lead into tiny blood vessels are called arterioles.

(xix) The living part of a plant cell is composed of a nucleus and cytoplasm.

(xx) The fastest revolving planet is Mercury. Read Also: Next Science MCQS

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