International Relations Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf

International Relations

International Relations Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf download free. International relations essay questions with answers.

(1) Orwell is the author of “1984.”

(2) Morgenthau is the author of “Technological Frontiers and Foreign Relations.”

(3) Anderson is the author of “Conquest without War.”

(4) Hassan Askari is the author of “The Military and Politics in Pakistan.”

(5) Judge of world court is the role of Mani.

(6) Political party is what Sinn Fein is.

(7) Pact of Paris is the correct treaty.

(8) Tamizuddin is the author of “Supreme Court and Human Rights.”

(9) The seven powers meeting in Venice in June, 1987 agreed to Impose sanctions on the sale of military equipment to Iraq and Iran

(10) India’s Operation Eagle was designed against The Sikhs

(11) Palestine Arabs live in the areas Israel occupied in 1967

(12) The contemporary international system is Multi-polar

(13) The agreement to create the League of Arab States in October 1944 was signed by Egypt, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon

(14) The Tashkent agreement Ended the hostilities between India and Pakistan

(15) When States refer a case to the international Court of Arbitration, they Choose the judges of their own choice

(16) The security Council of the United Nations Establishes subsidiary organs as it deems necessary to perform its functions

17) The Rio Pact provides the collective settlement of Latin American disputes

18) The Cuban Crisis of 1962 led to adjustments of relations between Cuba and the United States

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