MCQS Questions of Biology for MBBS and BDS Entrance Test 2013

Botany MCQs
Q.1  The branch of biology that deals with cell functions is called:
A)  Histology.
B)  Physiology.
C)  Molecular biology.
D)  Microbiology.
Q.2  Different tissues having related functions together form:
A)  Organ.
B)  Individual.
C)  Organelles.
D)  Molecules.
Q.3  Statement made by a scientist that may or may not be true is:
A)  Theory.
B)  Hypothesis.
C)  Scientific law.
D)  Statement.
Q.4  The method by which pests are destroyed by using some living organisms is called:
A)  Bio-pesticide.
B)  Integrated management.
C)  Biological control.
D)  Pasteurization.
Q.5  Robert Hook was the first person to see cells in:
A)  Various plants.
B)  Animals.
C)  Fungi.
D)  Cork.
Q.6  The concept “OMNIS cellula-e-cellala” means that, new cells are formed from:
A)  Non living materials.
B)  Dead organic matter.
C)  Pre-existing living cells.
D)  As the result of chemical reactions.
Q.7  In generalized plant cell the nucleus is:
A)  Present in middle of the cell.
B)  Displaced to the side of the cell.
C)  Absent.
D)  Modified into endoplasmic
Q.8  Plasma membrane is found in the cells of:
A)  Animals only.
B)  Plants only.
C)  Both in plants and animals.
D)  Bacteria only.
Q.9  The semicircular channels and system of tubes found in cytoplasm are known as:
A)  Ribosomes.
B)  Glyoxisomes.
C)  Endoplasmic reticulum.
D)  Vacuoles.
Q.10  The structures that are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell
A)  Centrioles.
B)  Plastids.
C)  Nucleolus.
D)  Mitochondria.
Q.11  In a plant cell chlorophyll is present in:
A)  Chromoplasts.
B)  Leucoplasts.
C)  Stroma.
D)  Chloroplasts.
Q.12  Cytokinesis is a division of:
A)  Cytoplasm.
B)  Chromosomes.
C)  Nucleus.
D)  Nucleolus.
Q.13  During cell division the plant cell is not seen to have:
A)  Spindle fibers.
B)  Chromatids.
C)  Centromere.
D)  Centrioles.
Q.14  Which human disease is due to meiotic errors:
A)  Typhoid.
B)  Cholera.
C)  Measles.
D)  Down’s syndrome.
Q.15  The basic element of all organic compounds is:
A)  Oxygen.
B)  Nitrogen.
C)  Hydrogen.
D)  Carbon.
Q.16  The most abundant carbohydrate in nature is:
A)  Cellulose.
B)  Glycogen.
C)  Fructose.
D)  Starch.
Q.17  Terpenoids are important group of compounds that are made up of simple repeating
A)  Acylglycerols.
B)  Isoprenoids.
C)  Phospholipids.
D)  Ketones.
Q.18  The number of types of amino acid that are found to occur in cells are:
A)  20.
B)  25.
C)  100.
D)  170.
Q.19  Biochemically enzymes are:
A)  Carbohydrates.
B)  Fatty acids.
C)  Hormones.
D)  Proteins.
Q.20  The presence of enzymes:
A)  Slows down the rate of reaction.
B)  Increases the rate of reaction.
C)  Does not show any change.
D)  Completely stops the reaction.
Q.21  Lock and key model of enzyme reacting with substrate was originally proposed by:
A)  Emil Fisher.
B)  Koshland.
C)  Robert Hook.
D)  Robert Brown.
Q.22  The major RNA in the cell is ribosomal RNA. It makes up:
A)  80% of total RNAs.
B)  58% of total RNAs.
C)  90% of total RNAs.
D)  40% of total RNA.
Q.23  Optimum pH for pepsin to work efficiently is:
A)  4.50
B)  2.00
C)  6.80
D)  9.00
Q.24  Viruses are simplest organisms and:
A)  Have their own enzymes.
B)  Have cell membrane but not cell
C)  Undergo cell division.
D)  Are only DNA or RNA particles
without cellular structure.
Q.25  The most ancient bacteria are:
A)  Eubacteria.
B)  Archaeobacteria.
C)  Escherichia coli.
D)  Streptococci.
Q.26  The bacteria that cause diseases in human beings, are called:
A)  Photosynthetic bacteria.
B)  Chemosynthetic bacteria.
C)  Facultative bacteria.
D)  Pathogenic bacteria.
Q.27  The mutualistic association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants is
A)  Lichens.
B)  Parasitism.
C)  Budding.
D)  Mycorrhizae.
Q.28  Sponges which belong to phylum Porifera have:
A)  Maximum capacity to regenerate.
B)  Very little capacity to regenerate.
C)  Moderate capacity to regenerate.
D)  No regeneration capacity.
Q.29  The platyhelminthes liver fluke is:
A)  Ectoparasite in humans.
B)  Blood parasite.
C)  Parasite of respiratory tract.
D)  Parasite in the bile duct.
Q.30  Which of the following is of economic importance to man:
A)  Daphnia.
B)  Millipede.
C)  Silkworm.
D)  Scorpion.
Q.31  The name Nicotiana tabacum is given to:
A)  Potato.
B)  Tomato.
C)  Red pepper.
D)  Tobacco.
Q.32  Family Gramineae has:
A)  Only wheat.
B)  Only corn.
C)  Only rice.
D)  All of the above.
Q.33  During swallowing the food travels from oral cavity to the stomach by way of
A)  Very quickly.
B)  By anti-peristalsis.
C)  Pushed down by pharynx.
D)  Moving due to peristalsis.
Q.34  The pancreas is a:
A)  Part of Stomach.
B)  Part of Small intestine.
C)  Part of Large intestine.
D)  Separate gland.
Q.35  The term chyme is applied to:
A)  Semi-digestive food in oral cavity.
B)  Semi-solid food in stomach.
C)  Semi-digested food in the small
D)  Completely digested food in the
last part of small intestine.
Q.36  Villi and micro villi are present:
A)  In pharynx.
B)  In small intestine (jejunum).
C)  In oesophagus.
D)  In large intestine.
Q.37  Exchange of gases during orginismic respiration is carried out by:
A)  Diffusion.
B)  Active transport.
C)  Osmosis.
D)  Facilitated diffusion.
Q.38  The opening in the oral cavity (throat) through which air enters the wind pipe is
A)  Glottis.
B)  Bronchus.
C)  Larynx.
D)  Pharynx.
Q.39  The double layer of thin membranes which line and cover lungs are called:
A)  Diaphragm.
B)  Alveoli.
C)  Pleura.
D)  Bronchioles.
Q.40  Transportation of oxygen from lungs to the tissue cells is by means of:
A)  Complete blood.
B)  Lymph.
C)  Red blood cells.
D)  White blood cells.
Q.41  Podocytes are present in:
A)  Epithelium of renal capsule.
B)  Endothelium of blood capillary.
C)  Basement membrane of blood
D)  Epithelium of the PCT.
Q.42  Which of the following are the functions of proximal convoluted tubule:
A)  Ultrafiltration and reabsorption.
B)   Selective reabsorption and
retention of water.
C)  Selective reabsorption and active
tubular secretion.
D)  Reabsorption of water by the help
of ADH.
Q.43  The walls of descending limb of loop of Henle are:
A)  Permeable to water as well as to
sodium and chloride.
B)  Permeable to water but
impermeable to salts.
C)  Impermeable to water and
permeable to sodium and chloride.
D)  Impermeable to both water and
Q.44  ADH affects which of the following for retention of water:
A)  Walls of collecting duct.
B)  Walls of loop of Henle.
C)  Glomerulus.
D)  Proximal convoluted tubule.
Q.45  The counter-current multiplier mechanism is shown by which of the following:
A)  Loop of Henle.
B)  Proximal convoluted tubule.
C)  Distal convoluted tubule.
D)  Bowman’s capsule.
Q.46  Mechanoreceptors detect stimulus of:
A)  Smell.
B)  Light.
C)  Pressure (touch).
D)  Cold and warmth.
Q.47  The effectors in the human body which respond to a stimulus are:
A)  Glands only.
B)  Muscles only.
C)  Both muscles and glands.
D)  Bones.
Q.48  Loss of memory (Dementia) is also known as:
A)  Alzheimer’s disease.
B)  Epilepsy.
C)  Parkinson’s disease.
D)  Graves disease.
Q.49  A mix nerve consists of:
A)  Motor and sensory nerve fibers.
B)  Sensory and associative nerve
C)  Motor and associative nerve fibers.
D)  Dendrons and dendrites.
Q.50  Which one of the following hormones is essential for the successful production of
A)  LH (Luteinizing Hormone).
B)  Gonadotropin hormone.
C)  Testosterone.
D)  Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

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