Analytical Writing MCQs Questions Practice Test Paper

SAT Tests

The questions in this section need simple analysis of the given data and logical reasoning of the candidate. Each question or group of questions is based on a passage or set of conditions, and the candidate has to select the best answer choice.
Questions 1-4
The supervisor of a commuter airline is scheduling pilots to fly the round-trip from City X to City Y. The trip takes only two hours, and the airline has one round-trip flight in the morning and one round-trip flight in the afternoon, each day, Monday through Friday. Pilots must be scheduled in
accordance with the following rules:Only V, X, and Z can fly the afternoon flight.
No pilot may fly twice on the same day.
No pilot may fly on two consecutive days.
X must fly the Wednesday morning flight.
Z must fly the Tuesday afternoon flight.
1.Which of the following must be true?
A. W flies the Monday morning flight
B. X flies the Monday afternoon flight
C. Y flies the Tuesday morning flight
D. W flies the Thursday morning flight
E. Z flies the Thursday afternoon flight
2.If X flies on Friday morning, which of the following must be true?
A. X does not fly on Monday afternoon
B. V flies on Friday afternoon
C. W flies Thursday morning
D. Y flies Thursday morning
E. Neither W nor Y flies Thursday morning
3.If X flies only one morning flight during the week, which of the following must be true?
A. W flies exactly two days during the week
B. X flies exactly three days during the week
C. Y flies only one day during the week
D. Z flies Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon
E. X flies more times during the week than V
4.If W is not scheduled to fly at all during the week, all of the following must be true EXCEPT
A. X flies on Monday morning
B. V flies on Monday afternoon
C. Y flies on Thursday morning
D. Z flies on Friday afternoon
E. X flies on Friday morning
There are those who claim that reductions in the spending on and deployment of weapons systems would result in a so-called “climate of peace,” thereby diminishing the likelihood of armed conflict. The facts show otherwise. These self-proclaimed pacifists are either the victims or the propagators of a false argument.
5.Which of the following is an assumption underlying the conclusion of the passage above?
A. Military actions involving our forces can be instigated by any number of different factors
B. Our buildup of weapons systems and combat personnel has prevented our adversaries from increasing their own spending on defense
C. The increased defense spending of the past 10 years has lessened the need for significant military expenditure in future decades
D. At the present time, state-of-the-art weapons systems and the augmentation of combat personnel are equally important to a nation’s defense
E. An established correlation between greater spending on weapons systems and a decreased incidence of conflict will persist
Questions 6-9
An obedience school is experimenting with a new training system. To test the system, three trainers (Luqman, Mehreen, and Omama) and three dogs (Lassie, Mugs, and Onyx) are assigned to three different rooms, one trainer,and one dog per room. The initial assignment is as follows:
Room 1: Luqman and Lassie
Room 2: Mehreen and Mugs
Room 3: Omama and Onyx
The participants have learned five different commands, each of which they
will execute as soon as the command is given.
Command W requires the trainer in Room 1 to move to Room 2, the trainer
in Room 2 to move to Room 3, and the trainer in Room 3 to move to Room 1.
Command X requires the dogs in Rooms 1 and 2 to change places.
Command Y requires the dogs in Rooms 2 and 3 to change places.
Command Z requires the dogs in Rooms 3 and 1 to change places.
Command A requires each of the dogs to go to the room containing the
trainer it was matched with in the initial assignment.
6.If the participants in the initial assignment are given exactly one
command, Command W, which of the following will be true in the
resulting arrangement?
A. Omama and Mugs will be in the same room
B. Mehreen will be in Room 3
C. Mehreen and Lassie will be in the same room
D. Luqman will be in Room 3
E. Luqman and Onyx will be in the same room
7.Which of the following commands or series of commands will yield a final arrangement in which Onyx is in Room 2?
A. One call of W
B. Two calls of X
C. Two calls of W followed by one call of A
D. Two calls of W followed by one call of Z
E. Two calls of X followed by one call of Z
8.Which of the following sequences of commands will yield a final arrangement in which Omama and Lassie are in Room 2?
A. X, Y, W
B. X, W, W
C. Z, W, A
D. X, Y, A, W
E. Z,W,W, X
9.Which of the following sequences of commands could result in a final arrangement in which Mehreen and Onyx are in Room 1, Omama and Mugs are in Room 2, and Luqman and Lassie are in Room 3?
A. Z, W, X
B. W, Y, Z
C. W, A, Y, W
D. W, Z, W, X
E. X, Z, W, W
Should present trends continue, within five years it will be cheaper for audio enthusiasts to build their stereo systems around sets of separate,high quality tuners and amplifiers, rather than around integrated tuners
and amplifiers, known as receivers. While receivers have been considered the necessary compromise for those with budget restrictions, recent trends in retail pricing seem destined to change that perception. The
average retail price of a high-quality tuner has declined at a rate of 20 percent each of the last two years, and the average retail price of a high-quality amplifier has declined at the rate of 35 percent for each of those
years. At the same time, the average retail price of integrated receivers has declined only 12 percent.
10.In evaluating the claim made in the passage above, information about which of the following would be most useful?
A. the average life expectancy of stereo tuners as compared to the average life expectancy of stereo amplifiers
B. the number of integrated receivers sold each year and the number of sets of separate tuners and amplifiers sold each year
C. the present average retail price of an integrated receiver and the present average retail price of a tuner and amplifier set
D. the number of separate tuner and amplifier sets expected to be purchased over the next five years and the number of inte-grated receivers expected to be purchased over the next five years
E. the percentage of audio enthusiasts who prefer separate tuner and amplifier sets to integrated receivers

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