FPSC Assistant Director Past Papers Questions

1). What is the Current Islamic year.1434 Hijri
2). How many haj performed by Hazrat Mohammad(P.B.U.H).. 1
3). Where was last revelation revealed. Hijjat-ul-Widda 10Hijri
4). What is the shortest surah. Surah Kausar
5). Which surah is the heart of Quran. Surah Yasin
6). Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika. Hazrat Hanzala (R.A)
7). What is the no. of total ayat. None of the Above (114 Surah)
8). What is the first month of Islamic calendar. Muharam
9). Hazrat Mohammad PBUH called himself. Teacher
10). Where is Khutba e Haj given. Arafat
11). What was arfa karims age is the time of death. 16years
12). Who is U.S ambassador to Pakistan. Cameron Mentor
13). Who is Pakistan ambassador to united nations. Abdullah Hussain Haroon
14). Where does business train go to and from. LHR-KHI
15). What is the name of Oscar winning documentary of shirmeen. Saving Face
16). What drug was reported to be the cause of death in the Punjab institute of cardiology. Iso-Tab
17). What is the cost of stamp of arfa karim released on her birthday. Rs8/=
18). Who is Pakistan ambassador to US. Sherry Rehman
19). Who is the first female foreign affairs minister of Pakistan. Hina Rabani Khar
20). What is the cause of mehran bank scandal. Ditribution of money to politicians
21). Which English crickerter was jailed for spot fixing. Whitsfield
22). Where were academy awards,2012 held. Los-Angeles
23). Christain wulff who resigned as head of state belonged to which country. Germany
24). Who is the secretary of state of US. Helry Clinton
25). What is the total no. of ammendements in 1973 constitution. 20
26). Where are Olympic 2012 going to be held. London
27). Pakistan beat England in test series in what ratio. 3
28). Who is the secretary general of united nations. Ban kei Mon
29). WHO recently declared which country as polio free. India
30). Which is the largest seaport of Pakistan. Karachi
31). Where is arfa karim software park located. Lahore
32). Where is Benazir shaheed international airport. None of These (Islamabad)
33). Who is the current cricket chief selector of Pakistan. Iqbal qasim
34). On which river has mangla dam been built. Jehlum
35). What is the boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Deorand Line
36). Where is siachin glacier. Gilgit
37). Pakistan derby horse race,2012 was won by which horse. Assasin
38). Who is the current chairman of senate. None of them (Syed Nayyer Bukhari)
39). Amir Khan is citizen of. Pakistani
40). Which party has the highest no. of seats in senate after 2012 elections. None (PPP)
41). What does light year measure? Distance
42). Which is the hardest substance on earth. Diamond
43). What happens to temperature of boiling water on a higher elevation. Decreasing
44). Which disease is caused by dogs. Rabbies
45). What is the temperature of human body in farhenheits. None of these (98.6F)
46). Swimming pool water is disinfected by which chemical. Chlorine
47). Blindness is caused by deficiency of which vitamin. Vitamin A
48). Vitamin c is richest in which fruit. Guava
49). Soda water is carbonated by mixing what: CO2
50). One mile has how many kilometers. 1.6KM
51). What is the unit of energy. Joule
52). What is the filament of electric bulb made of. Tungston
53). What is added in lead pencils. Graphite
54). How does sunlight enter the rooms? irregular reflection
55). How many colors are visible in the sunlight spectrum. 5
56). Which substance is liquid at room temperature? Mercury
57). Which of these is negatively charged? Electrons
58). What happens to volume of water when it freezes. Increases
59). Digestion Starts in. Mouth
60). In clinical term we measure temp in. Farenheit

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