General Knowledge for PMS Exam PDF

General Knowledge for PMS Exam PDF

• Black Death reaches England in 1348.
• Intifada denotes Palestinian uprising.
• Caucasus is situated between Caspian and Black Sea.
• Kabul in the largest city of Afghanistan.
• Akbar was died at Agra in 1650.
• In 1783 Britain acknowledged the independence of USA.
• The term cartel refers to Unity of parties, factions or nation in a common cause.
• Term the belief in the “rightness” of rule is legitimacy.
• Tyranny is the form of government in which one person rules arbitrarily.
• Barbers invaded North Africa before Arabs.
• Popular name of Canada is Land of Maple.
• American’s parliament is Congress.
• Largest oil company belong to USA is The Ecxon Corporation.
• New name of Lyallpur is Faisalabad.
• Indian city, Ahmedabad, is associated to textile industry.
• ‘National People’s Assembly’ belongs to Algeria.
• Aeroflot is Russia’s airline.
• Bakhtar is the news agency of Afghanistan.
• Croix de Guerre is the highest military award of France.
• The currency of Syria is pound.
• Som is the currency of Uzbekistan.
• Machiavelli was born in Florence.
• Montesquieu wrote ‘the spirit of laws’.
• Rousseau was born in Geneva.
• Bentham is the father of utilitarianism.
• Lenin was a Bolshevik leader.
• Hitler’s theory of the state is known as National Socialism.
• John Locke advocated basic human rights.
• Montesquieu was a political sociologist.
• Mao joined communist party in 1921.
• Cease fire between Iran and Iraq took place in 1988, by the intervention of U.N.
• 8 furlongs make one mile.
• Balloki barrage is located on Ravi.
• Loan to a corporation is ‘debt funding’.
• Khadija Mastoor wrote Angan.
• Imam Ghazali is the author of Ihya-ul-Uloom.
• Boxing is called ‘noble art of self defence’.
• 50 nations are there in Africa.
• Fort Monroe is located at Suleiman hills.
• Derawar fort is located in Cholistan Desert.
• Relli is the name of a game.
• Al Beruni discovered that light travels faster than sound.
• Due to buffer system, human blood has a ph of 7.4.
• General secretariat of the European parliament is in Luxemburg.
• On 2nd August, 1990, Iraq occupied Kuwait.
• The term ‘intifada’ means uprising.
• The city of Jerusalem is known as ‘Al Quran’.
• Headquarter of PLO is in Tunisia.
• In East Jerusalem ‘wailing wall’ is a sacred place of Jews.
• Hindenburg line is a boundary line between Poland and Germany.
• Changa Manga, part of Punjab, is famous for Sheesham Timber forest.
• The shape of the baseball is
• Karl Marx belonged to Germany.
• ‘Bear’ is a symbol of Russia.
• ‘Tripitak’ is the holy book of Buddhists.
• Duke Wellington won the battle of Waterloo.
• King Faisal was shot dead by his nephew in 1975, in the city of Riyadh.
• Nepal is the only Hindu state in the world.
• Indus Valley civilization was destroyed by Aryans.
• Samudar Gupta is called ‘Napoleon of India’.
• The theme of the famous play ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’ by G.B. Shah is a History.
• Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in America.
• The reign of Razia Sultana lasted for 3 years.
• ‘Gita or Vedas’ are the holy books of Hindus.
• Holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) had been poisoned by a Jewish hostess at the time of the conquest of Khyber.
• Khalid bin Waleed had been titled as ‘saif-ullah’.
• Iraq is called the ‘site of ancient civilization’.
• Uqba-bin-Nafah is called ‘Muslim Alexander’.
• ‘Lords’ is famous a cricket ground in England.
• During the civil war the supporter of the parliament came to be called Roundheads- supporters of OLIVER CROMWELL and the parliamentarians against KING CHARLES 1 during the ENGLISH CIVIL WAR.
• The queen can do no wrong means the queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law.

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