GK for Competitive exams

General Knowledge Tests
GK for Competitive exams online questions with answers practice test free. General knowledge mcq for competitive exams.

(1) The voting age in U.S. is:
 18 years

(2) The number of members of Electoral College in USA is:

(3) There is in US:
Bi-party System

(4) The membership in Electoral College of Washington DC stands at:

(5) The US Constitution has been amended

(6) The Magna Carta was signed by the British King in

(7) The Glorious Revolution in U.K. took place in:

(8) The Parliamentary Elections continued the demise of Liberal Party in:

(9) The right to voting in U.K. was extended to women in:

(10) The quorum for conducting business in the House of Lords in U.K. is

(11) Pakistan became a Republic in:

(12) The National Assembly of Pakistan consists of:

(13) Pakistan so far has had:
 3 Constitutions

(15) The Constitution of French Fifth Republic was adopted in:

(16) The USSR was established in:

(1 7) The USSR comprised of
15 Republics

(18) Mr Leonid Breznev become President of USSR in: .

(19) India got independence on:
August 15

(20) Indian Union comprises of:

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