Islamic Studies Notes in Urdu

Islamic Studies MCQs

• Zunoon (lord of fish) & Sahibul Hoot : Younus.
• The prophet whose people were last to suffer divine punishment Saleh.
• Suleiman died while standing with the support of a stick.
• Ashab-e-Kahf slept for 309 years.
• The number of Ashab-e-Kahf was 7.
• Saleh invented soap.
• Idrees was expert in astronomy.
• Prophet before Muhammad was Isaac.
• Hazrat Essa (A.S) was carpenter by profession.
• Besides Essa, Yahya also got prophet hood in childhood.
• Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat Essa (AS) is situated in Jerusalaem.
• Isa would cure the victims of leprosy.
• Zakria was contemporary of Isa.
• Isa was the cousin of Yahya.
• Romans kingdom was established in Palestine at Esa’s birth.
• Romans were Atheists.
• Ruler of Palestine at the birth of Esa was Herod.
• Maryum grew up in the house of Zakaiyya.
• Besides Esa , Adam was also a fatherless prophet.
• Esa born at Bethlehem.
• Esa was born in 4 B.C.
• Yahaya was the precursor of Eessa.
• Contemporary of Yahya was Eessa.
• Yahya is buried at Syria.
• Our prophet has the title Habibullah.
• Prophet Dawood has the title Najeeb Ullah.
• Prophet Jesus crist is called Rooh-ul-Ullah.
• Tur-e-Sina was the mountain where Hazrat Musa (AS) received Allah’s message.
• Hazrat Musa was Kalimullah.
• Science, astronomy, writing with pen, sewing and weapons were made by Idrees first of all.
• 30 Sahifay was revealed to Idrees.
• Aad was the nation of Hood.
• After seven day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.
• Nation of Samood was preached by Salih.
• Miracle of pregnant female camel was sent to Samood.
• 3 Sahifay were revealed to Ibrahim.
• Israel was the son of Ishaq.
• Israel was 147 years old when Ishaq died.
• Mountains would break by the miracle of Yaqoob.
• Musa married the daughter of Shoaib.
• Due to Zakria’s prayer Yahya was born.
• Yousuf remained in jail for 10 years.

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