NTS Practice Mass Commuication Online Sample MCQs Test Paper

CSS MCQs Journalism MCQs
NTS Practice Mass Commuication Online Sample MCQs Test Paper

1. Banner Advertisement is a type of advertising related to:
a. Outdoor Advertising
b. Interactive Advertising
c. Corporate Advertising
d. None of these

2. The Public Relations department which covers the activities of Provincial Government is:
a. PID
d. None of these

3. Hamsafar is house journal of:
a. Daewoo
b. Pakistan Railways
c. PIA
d. None of these

4. Sultan Lakhani is the Chief Editor of:
a. Daily Dawn
b. Daily The News
c. Daily Nation
d. None of these

5. The book “Process and Effects of Mass Communication” was written by:
a. Denis McQuail
b. Wilber Schram
c. Joseph Ascart
d. None of these

6. News appearing before the occurrence of an events is termed as:
a. Curtain Raiser
b. Press Communique
c. Obituary
d. None of these

7. CPNE is a representative body of:
a. Newspaper employees
b. Newspaper editors
c. Newspaper owners
d. None of these

8. It is a compulsion for media organisations to _____ without changing or amending the text.
a. Press release
b. Press note
c. Hand out
d. None of these

9. Elahi Bakhsh Soomro is the capacity of Federal Information Minister announced to repeal:
a. PPO
c. PCO
d. None of these

10. A typical soundtrack which identifies a program is known as:
a. Sound track
b. Music track
c. Signature tune
d. None of these

11. There is limited and delayed feedback in _________ communication.
a. Interpersonal
b. Media
c. Mass
d. None of these

12. Family Magazine belongs to:
a. Jang Group of Publications
b. Nida-e-Millat Group of Publications
c. Century Publications
d. None of these

13. Obituary news relates to:
a. Deaths
b. Births
c. Weather
d. None of these

14. The function of mass media which relates to the provision of news is termed as:
a. Surveillance
b. Transmisiion
c. Correlation
d. None of these

15. The term “Media Determinism”, “Global Village: and “Hot and Cool Media” were termedes and conceptualised by:
a. Harold Laswell
b. Walter Lipman
c. Marshal Mcluhan
d. None of these

16. The name of the First ever Urdu newspaper of the sub-continent which started using coloured photographs and cartoons was:
a. Jam-eJehan Numa
b. Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq
c. Hamdard
d. None of these

17. the advertising which praises the item to be sold with subjective opinions, superlatives or exaggerations is known as:
a. Puffery
b. Dummy
c. Garbage-in
d. None of these

18. A journalist who is not full time employee of one media organistion is known as:
a. Reporter
b. Stinger
c. Free lancer
d. None of these

19. slander is:
a. Written defamation
b. Verbal defamation
c. Both of these
d. None of these

20. the first editor of “Dawn” was:
a. Faiz Ahmad Faiz
b. Shorish Kashmiri
c. Altaf Hussain
d. None of these

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