NTS Sample Paper of SSE English

Sample Papers

This is sample paper only for guidance purpose such type of questions will be given in actual paper.Here are only given few questions for information
SUBJECT  (50%)
1.    “Phonotactics” deals with:
A.       limitations on occurrence of sounds
B.       correct pronunciation of sounds
C.        careful application of sounds
D.       teaching of pronunciation
E.        study of sounds in a language
2.    Robert Burns was famous for his:
A.       Plays
B.       Novels
C.        Poems
D.       Prose essays
E.        None of the above
As above the example is given 50% questions will be given from subject and other 50 % will be divided into four parts in 
IT Skills-15%
General Knowledge/Current Affairs-10%

Visit following link for Sample Questions of above four categories

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