Pakistan Studies Solved MCQS for MA

Pakistan Studies Solved MCQS for MA
101. According to the report of Daily Telegraph, London (dated 12-01-1948), why did the Pathan tribesmen fail to take control of Srinagar and its airport?

Ans: They got busy in plunder.

102. When did the Dogra Raja request Indian Government for military help?

Ans: 24th October, 1947

103.Who was sent to India to view the situation after the Dogra Raja’s request for military help?

Ans: V.P. Manon

104. When did the Dogra Raja flee from Srinagar to Jammu?

Ans: 25th October, 1947

105. When did the Dogra Raja write a formal letter to the Indian Governor General for military help along with a signed Instrument of Accession?

Ans: 26th October, 1947

106. Who brought the singed Instrument of Accession from Kashmir to Delhi?

Ans: V.P. Manon

107. When did Lord Mountbatten write a letter to Raja of Kashmir accepting the accession of Kashmir to India?

Ans: 27th October, 1947

108. When did the Indian troops land at Srinagar airport?

Ans: 27th October, 1947

109. Who was appointed as Chief Minister of Kashmir on Oct. 30, 1947?

Ans: Sheikh Abdullah

110. What are the rough estimates of retired soldiers living in Poonch who had served in WW-II?

Ans: 70000

111.When did the Muslim Conference of Kashmir establish the Azad Kashmir government in the then recently liberated areas?

Ans: 24th October, 1947

112. Where did the Governor Generals of India and Pakistan meet to discuss the Kashmir issue?

Ans: Lahore

113. When did Pundit Nehru send a telegram to Liaquat Ali Khan promising plebiscite in Kashmir?

Ans: 30th October, 1947

114. When did Pundit Nehru, in a radio broadcast, reiterated his promise of holding a plebiscite in Kashmir?

Ans: 2nd November, 1947

115. When did India take the question of Kashmir to UN by instituting a complaint against Pakistan in the Security Council?

Ans: 01-01-1948

116. To which chapter of UN charter did India base its complaint against Pakistan?

Ans: Article 35 of Chapter VI which deals with “pacific settlement of disputes.

117. Which chapter of UN Charter deals with the “acts of aggression”?

Ans: Chapter VII

118. In her reply to the Indian allegations the Government of Pakistan invoked which article of the chapter VI of the UN Charter?

Ans: Article 35

119. After a lengthy debate in UN Security Council on Kashmir issue in January 1948, how many resolutions were passed?

Ans: Two

120. When did the Security Council adopt the resolution asking both India and Pakistan to refrain from aggravating the situation and apprise the Council of any material change in the situation?

Ans: 17-01-1948

121. When did the Security Council adopt the resolution for establishing United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP)?

Ans: 20-01-1948

122. How many members were in the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan?

Ans: 3 (later increased to 5).

123. When did the President of the Security Council presented drafts of resolutions submitted by Indian and Pakistani delegations (after two resolutions passed in Jan. 1948)?

Ans: 28-01-2007

124. What was the Security Council direction in its resolution dated 21-04-1948?

Ans: Pakistan Govt. had to try to secure withdrawal of tribesmen and India was allowed to retain the minimum forces necessary to help in the civil administration.

125. Who was the Pakistani delegate at the time of passing of resolution of 21-04-1948?

Ans: Sir Zafarullah Khan

126. When did the Indian army launch the Spring offensive in Kashmir?

Ans: April 1948

127. According to a report of General Gracey, which liberated areas of Kashmir were threatened by the Spring 1948 offensive of Indian Army?

Ans: Bhimber, Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Mangla and Kohala.

128. Fearing the Spring 1948 offensive of India, what did General Gracey recommend to the Govt. of Pakistan?

Ans: Deploy Pakistan army to defend the Liberated Kashmir against Indian aggression and stop Indian forces on the general line Uri-Poonch Naosher.

129. When did the members of UNCIP(United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan) visit subcontinent?

Ans: First Week of Jul
y, 1948

130. After negotiating the Indian and Pakistani leaders in July 1948, when did the UNCIP adopt two resolutions?

Ans: 13-08-1948 and 05-01-1949

131. How many parts were in the UNCIP resolution passed on 13-08-1948?

Ans: Three

132. According to which part of the resolution of 13-08-1948 the commission acknowledged the principle of determining future status of the State by will of people of Kashmir?

Ans: Part-III

133. What was the Pakistani objection on the resolution of 13-08-1948?

Ans: It did not stipulate detailed guarantees for a free and impartial plebiscite.

134. After the hostilities initiated in Kashmir by the Spring 1948 offensive of India, when did the ceasefire take place?

Ans: 01-01-1949

135. Who was nominated the Plebiscite Administered by the UN Security Council on 22-03-1949?

Ans: American Admiral Nimitz  Next Solved Page of Paper

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