Pakistan Studies Solved Questions Papers

1. When did the Sindh assembly decided to join Pakistan?

Ans. June 26, 1947

2. By which margin the Sindh assembly decided to join Pakistan?

Ans. by 33 to 20 votes

3. Who were the members of the Steering Committee of the Partition Council in the Center?

Ans. Ch. Muhammad Ali and H.M. Patel

4. What was the description of the border between the East and the West Bengal?

Ans. “The new frontier would run approximately north-south from the Himalayan foothills, east of Darjeeling to the Ganges delta on the Bay of Bengal, leaving East Bengal in Pakistan and West Bengal in India”

5. What was the population of Bengal before partition in 1947?

Ans. 60,000,000

6. What was the area of Bengal before partition in 1947?

Ans. 77000 Sq. miles

7. What was the estimate of the former Bengali population in both East and Wast Bengal after partition in 1947?

Ans. 35.14% in West Bengal and 64.86% in East Bengal

8. Who was the Chairman of both the Boundary Commissions?

Ans. Sir Cyril Radcliffe

9. Who were the members of Boundary Commission?

Ans. Mr. Justice Din Muhammad, Mr. Justice Muhammad Munir, Mr. Justice Mehrchand Mahajan, Mr. Justice Teja Singh.

10. How long did the Boundary Commission work?

Ans. From 21-07-1947 to 30-07-1947

11. According to Justice Muhammad Munir, by which date the award had been finalized?

Ans. Aug. 8, 1947

12. When was the Boundary Commission Award Announced?

Ans. 17-08-1947

13. Where was Mr. Radcliff staying between Aug. 8 and Aug. 17, 1947?

Ans. In New Delhi as a guest of Lord Mountbatten.

14. Who was the last Governor of the undivided Punjab?

Ans. Sir Even Jenkins

15. Who was the first Governor of the West Punjab?

Ans. Sir Francis Mudie

16. Sir Francis Mudie found a sketch map left over in the confidential safe at Government House, Lahore. What was it about?

Ans. This sketch map was the advance information provided to Sir Even Jenkins by the Radcliff award commission on the possible boundary line of Punjab.

17. How this sketch map differed from the actual Award announced on Aug. 17, 1947?

Ans. According to this sketch map the tehsil of Ferozepur and Zira was to be assigned to Pakistan, but in actual Award it was assigned to India.

18. According to a publication of Manchester Guardian in 1950, Gurdaspur was assigned to India possibly owing to pressure from Lord Mountbatten. Why India needed Gurdaspur so badly?

Ans. It was the sole land route to Kashmir, which India had planned to occupy.

19. How many Princely States were in undivided India?

Ans. 562

20. According to 1941 census, what was the total population of all the princely states?

Ans. 93 million

21. What was the total area of the princely states?

Ans. 712000 Sq. miles

22. When was a conference of the Princely States rulers held in Delhi before the announcement of Partition Plan?

Ans. July 25, 1947

23. What was the direction given to the rulers of the Princely States by Mountbatten in the Delhi Conference?

Ans.Join, either Pakistan or India

24. Which 3 States had failed to decide accession issue by 15th August, 1947?

Ans. Hyderabad, Junagadh and Kashmir

25. How was the decision of joining Pakistan reached by the British Baluchistan?

Ans. A jirga (assembly) of all the tribal chiefs of the British Baluchistan met on June 29, 1947 and unanimously decided to join Pakistan. Part-2

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