PPSC Lecturer Philosophy MCQS Past Papers


SPSC,PPSC Lecturer Philosophy MCQs Past Papers

1.  Plato was a: 
(a)Pragmatist  (b)Materialist  (c) Idealist Rationalist  (d)None of these 
2.  “Laws” is written by: 
(a)John Rawls  (b)Jeremy Bentham (c) Plato  (d)None of these 
3.  “Being and Nothingness” is written by: 
(a)Kant  (b)Karl Popper  (c) Jean Paul Sartre  (d)None of these 
4.  “Tahafatul Philopha” is written to refute: 
(a)The Politicians  (b)The Lawyers  (c) The Philosophers  (d)None of these 
5.  _________is the turning point in philosophy at the dawn of the 20th century. 
(a)Logical positivism  (b)Science  (c) Naturalism  (d)None of these 
6.  Who is the author of the “Muqaddama”? 
(a)Al-Ghazali  (b)Ibn-e-Khaldun  (c) Al-Kindi  (d)None of these 
7.  The father of Modern Philosophy is: 
(a)Descartes  (b)Thales  (c) Al-Kindi  (d)None of these 
8.  Epistemology is a branch of Philosophy which deals with: 
(a)Morality  (b)Law  (c) Knowledge  (d)None of these 
9.  Theory of monads is presented by: 
(a)Kant  (b)Leibniz  (c) Plato  (d)None of these 
10.  Dialectic method is of: 
(a)Plato  (b)Socrates  (c) Kant  (d)None of these 
11.  Who is the author of the “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam”? 
(a)Sir Syed Ahmad Khan  (b)Allama Iqbal  (c) Al-Farabi  (d)None of these 
12.  Shah Waliullah’s famous work is: 
(a)Hujjatul Balagha  (b)Tafseer  (c) Tahafatul Tahafha  (d)None of these 
13.  Sir Syed Ahmad Khan looked upon God as the Author of: 
(a)Harmony  (b)Nature  (c) Nature & first cause  (d)None of these 
14.  This statement ‘God is Nature and Nature is God’ isreferred to: 
(a)Hegel  (b)Spinoza  (c) Aristotle  (d)None of these 
15.  Who named human mind Tabula Rasa? 
(a)Spinoza  (b)Locke  (c) Descartes  (d)None of these 
16.  Whose statement is this ‘know they self’? 
(a)Plato  (b)Socrates  (c) Kant  (d)None of these 
17.  ____________believed in the concept of Whadatul Wajud. 
(a)Ibn-e-Taimya  (b)Ibn-e-Sina  (c) Ibn-e-Arabi  (d)None of these 
18.  Dialectical Materialism is referred to: 
(a)Karl Marx  (b)Hegel  (c) Descartes  (d)None of these 
19.  Who said that substances are three? 
(a)Spinoza  (b)Descartes  (c) Berkely  (d)None of these 
20.  Renowed Book “A History of Muslim Philosophy” was edited by: 
(a)Shah Waliullah  (b)Abul Ala Maududi  (c) M.M. Sharif  (d)None of these 
21) Deductive logic was introduced by:
(a) Pythagoras (b) Plato  (c) Aristotle (d) None of these
(22) Inductive Logic was introduced by:
(a) Socrates  (b) Francis Bacon (c) Russell (d) None of these
23) Al Radd al Mantiqiyeen was written by:
(a) Al Ghazali (b) Ibn-e-Taimiyah  (c) Ibn-e-Sina (d) None of these
(24) Inference of induction argument is:
(a) necessary (b) probable (c) invalid  (d) None of these
(25) Logic is a:
(a) Behavioural science (b) Normative science (c) Natural science (d) None of these
(26) If in categorical syllogism the middle term is not distributed, it commits the fallacy of:
(a) Existential fallacy (b) Undistributed Middle (c) Illicit major (d) None of these
(27) Symbolic logic is different from:
(a) Deductive logic (b) Inductive logic (c) Both of these (d) None of these
(28) Hypothesis is important in:
(a) Scientific explanation (b) Deductive logic (c) Symbolic logic (d) None of these
(29) Dilemma is a rhetoric argument:
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect (c) None of these
(30) Where P is true and q is false, P.q is:
(a) True (b) False (c) None of these
(31) Who is the author of “Being and Nothingness”?
(a) Sartre  (b) Heidegger 
(c) Kierkegaard  (d) None of these
(32) Who is the author of “Being and Time”?
(a) Karl Jaspers  (b) Gabriel Marcel
(c) Heidegger  (d) None of these
(33) Who wrote “Tractatus Logico Philosophicus”? 
(a) Ayes  (b) Wittgenstein
(c) Carnap (d) None of these
(34) Who wrote “Language Truth and Logic”?
(a) Russell (b) Ayes
(c) Schlick (d) None of these
(35) “Das Kapital” was written by:
(a) Hegel (b) Karl Marx
(c) Engels (d) None of these
(36 Who said “To be is to be perceived”?
(a) Locke (b) Hobbes
(c) Berkeley (d) None of these
(37) The theory of creative evolution was presented by:
(a) Bergson (b) Nietzsche
(c) Hobbes (d) None of these
(38) Who is the father of religious existentialism?
(a) Karl Jaspers (b) Soren Kierkegaard
(c) Heidegger (d) None of these
(39) Dialectical method was introduced in modern philosophy by: 
(a) Kant (b) Descartes
(c) Hegel (d) None of these
(40) Berkeley was:
(a) Rationalist (b) Idealist
(c) Skeptic (d) None of these
(41) Who is the author of “Tahafat-ul-Falasefah”?
(a) Al Kindi (b) Al Ghazali
(c) Ibn Sina (d) None of these
(42) Who is the author of “Hujjat-allah ul Baleghah”?
(a) Ibn Rushd (b) Shah Waliullah
(c) Sayyid Ahmed Khan (d) None of these
(43) Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam is written by:
(a) R.A. Nicholson  (b) Allama Iqbal
(c) Mathew Arnold (d) None of these
(44) “Kashful Mehjoob” is a book written by:
(a) Ibn Arabi (b) Ali Hajvery Data Ganj Bukhsh
(c) Rumi (d) None of these
(45) Doctrine of Wahdat ul Wajud is introduced in sufism by:
(a) Al Farabi (b) Ibn Arabi
(c) Al Kindi (d) None of these
(46) Who believed “the beautific vision of God is impossible”?
(a) Asharites (b) Mutazilites 
(c) Sufis (d) None of these
(47) Ibn Rushd is famous for his translations of:
(a) Plato  (b) Pythagoras 
(c) Aristotle (d) None of these
(48) Asharites were:
(a) Rationalists (b) Traditionalist
(c) Sufis (d) None of these
(49) Who is the father of Muslim Philosophy?
(a) Al Farabi (b) Al Kindi
(c) Ibn Sina (d) None of these
(50) Who is known as “Al muallim al thani”?
(a) Al Farabi (b) Ibn Sina
(c) Al Ghazali (d) None of these

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