PPSC Most Repeated MCQs

PPSC Most Repeated MCQs

1-Clash of civilization is written by ?
Samuel Huntington

2-War and Peace is written by?
Leo Tolstoy

3-Pride and prejudice is written by?
jane Austin

4-India Wins Freedom Is written by?
Abu ul Kalam azad

5-Who was the chief editor of “Zamindar?
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

6-First viceroy of the subcontinent was?
Lord Canning

7-Last viceroy of subcontinent? 
Lord Mountbatten

8-OIC came into Existence?

9-HOw many states are there in USA?

10-SAARC headquarters?

11-UNO established on?
24th oct-1945

12-Surah Without Bismillah?
Surah Tauba

13-Anarkali Is wriiten by?
Imtiaz Ali Taj

14-RAja Ghidh Is written by?
Bano Qudsiya

15- Partition of Bengal Took place in ? 

16-Suez Canal Connects ? 
Mediterian and red sea

17. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in?

18.Pakistan became UNO member in? 
30 sep 1947

19. Who was viceroy at time of partition of Bengal? 
Lord Curzon

20. First Constitution of Pakistan was made in?
23 March 1956

21. UNO formed in? 
24 oct 1945

22. Longest river of world? 

23. Largest Desert of world?

24. Largest island of world?

25. Largest ocean of world?
Pacific Ocean

26- Jaundice is the disease of:
A) Lungs B) Pancreas C) Liver

27- The organ effected by the virus of Hepatitis is?
A) Kidneys B) Lungs C) Pancreas D) Liver

28- scurvy is due to lack of?
(vitamin c)

29- Interfax is the news agency of?

30–fasting became farz ——————-
2 hijri

31–gazwa tabook———————
9 hijri

32–who wrote hudaibiya—————–
Hazart Ali (R.A)

33– Ringitt is the currency of ——Malaysia88–Digital computer invented by————–John atanasoff

34. Allama Iqbal delivered his famous address at Allahabad in:
1930 (

35. Author of “Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained” was:
( John Milton 

36. “Khateeb-ul-Amnbia” kis paighmber ka laqab tha?
Hazrat Shoaib A.S)

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