Biology MCQS for MDCAT Entry Test


1. The skeleton of a dog-fish is made of.

(Bones, Cartilages, Muscles)

2. The prehensile tail is present in

(Eel fish, Sea horse, Bat)

3. Rods and cones are present in the eye of a

(Cockroach, Human, Leech)

4. Each villus is provided with lymph vessels called .

(Venules, Lacteals, Veins)

5. The organs of excretion in cockroach are called

(Nephridia, Malpighian Tubules, Gills)

6. Rice belongs to the family .

(Cruciferae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae)

7. Potato is an example of

(Bulb, Rhizome, Stem tuber, Corm)

8. Epigeal germination takes place in

(Gram seed, Castor seed, Maize seed, Rice)

9. Heterosproy is found in

(Selaginella, Rhizopus, Ulva, Polytrichum)

10. The fusion of similar gametes in structure and shape is called

(Homospory, Isogamy, Oogamy, Anisogamy)

11. The study of structure of molecule of starch is called:

(a) Molecular biology (b) Biochemistry (c) Morphology (d) None

12. The study of Amoeba comes with in the branch of biology:

(a) Taxonomy (b) Ecology (c) Microbiology (d) None

13. The study of affects of pollution comes within:

(a) Environmental biology (b) Taxonomy (c) Physiology (d) Genetics

14. The study of organisms living in lake is called:

(a) Marine biology (b) Taxonomy (c) Physiology (d) Fresh water biology

15. Which statement is not correct about biosphere:

(a) It is present on the earth (b) It is present in the oceans
(c) It is present in the river (d) It is present in the space.

16. Ecosystem is composed of:
(a) a community (b) a population
(c) a species (d) none of the above

17. Which of the followings is an organ system?
(a) oesophagus (b) Stomach
(c) intestine (d) All (a) and (c)

18. Which one of the followings is an organ?
(a) Cornea (b) Retina
(c) Eye (d) Eye muscles

19. Which of the followings is a tissue?
(a) Heart (b) stomach
(c) bone (d) Liver

20. Total number of species on the earth is:
(a) 2.5 Millions (b) 2 Millions
(c) 3.5 Millions (d) 1.5 Millions

21. The most abundant group on the earth is:
(a) Mammals (b) Birds
(c) Insects (d) Reptiles

22. Which group of the followings has lowest number of species?
(a) Vascular plants (b) Animals
(c) Insects (d) Algae, protozoa and Prokaryotes

23. Measurement of temperature is:
(a) Quantitative (b) Qualitative observation
(c) None of the above

24. Which one of the followings is an organ?
(a) Cornea (b) Retina
(c) Eye (d) Eye muscles

25. Which of the followings is a tissue?
(a) Heart (b) stomach
(c) bone (d) Liver


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