Blooms Taxonomy MCQs Notes

Blooms Taxonomy MCQS pdf notes online test preparation. Blooms Taxonomy solved mcqs questions answers.

Q1: What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A1: Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification system of educational objectives and skills that educators set for students. It helps in defining and categorizing learning objectives.

Q2: Who proposed Bloom’s Taxonomy and when?
A2: Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist at the University of Chicago, proposed Bloom’s Taxonomy in 1956.

Q3: How are the objectives in Bloom’s Taxonomy divided?
A3: Bloom’s Taxonomy divides objectives into three domains: Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive.

Q4: What does the Cognitive Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy focus on?
A4: The Cognitive Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy focuses on knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking skills related to a specific topic.

Q5: What are the six levels in the Cognitive Domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A5: The six levels in the Cognitive Domain are:

Q6: What is the Psychomotor Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A6: The Psychomotor Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy describes skills related to physical manipulation of tools or instruments, such as using a hammer. It focuses on behavioral and skill development.

Q7: Did Bloom and his colleagues create subcategories for skills in the Psychomotor Domain?
A7: No, Bloom and his colleagues did not create subcategories for skills in the Psychomotor Domain. Other educators have since developed their own psychomotor taxonomies.

Q8: What does the Affective Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy focus on?
A8: The Affective Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy focuses on emotional reactions, attitudes, and values. It aims to develop awareness and growth in emotions, feelings, and attitudes.

Q9: How many levels are there in the Affective Domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A9: There are five levels in the Affective Domain:


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