CSS Syllabus of History of Pakistan and India Paper

CSS Syllabus for all Subjects

I. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India (712-1857): Political History Arrival, foundation
and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and
the Mughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and
literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic,
Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule, Industry, trade and
commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration.

II. British Rule in India: 1857-1947: British Imperialism, origin and growth of the East
India Company, Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of
Independence in 1857:Causes and effects.

III. Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government (1858-1947)
and growth of the Political Parties –Indian Congress

IV. Muslim Struggle for Independence: Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad
Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim of South
Asia, All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Lucknow pact;
Khilafat movement. Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azam’s Fourteen Points.

V. Pakistan Movement: Allama Iqal’s Allahabad Address 1930, and Round Table
Conference. The Congress Rule intheprovinces-1937-1939, Lahore Resolution 1940,
various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia. Founders of Pakistan:
Quaid-i-Azam, Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothes. Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry
Rahmat Ali, etc.

VI. History of Pakistan (1947- Todate): Pakistan’s early Challenges—Quaid-i-Azam as
Governor-General, various attempts at constitution making.

VII. Military in Politics: Ayub Khan, Yahya, Zia–ul–Haq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes,
Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan,

VIII. Separation of East Pakistan: Causes and Effects,

IX. Working of Democracy in Pakistan: Liaquat Ali Khan to Firoz Khan Noon (1947-1958), Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Period,(1971-1977),Benazir, Nawaz Sharif ,Revival of
Democracy: 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy (2008 to date), Role of Major
Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.

X. Foreign Policy of Pakistan (1947-1999)

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