Current Affairs MCQS for PPSC

Current Affairs MCQS

1.Where is the headquarter of the Amnesty International located:

2.Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in:

3.Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM):
Nehru, Nasser, Tito

4.The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at:

5.Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987:
Sheikh Ahmed Yasin

6.How many official working languages are recognized by UNO:


7.In which month does the UN General Assembly usually meet every year:

8.Which of the following countries have the power of veto in the General Assembly of UNO:

9.The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is:
9 years

10.Alliance among India, Germany, Japan and Brazil to support each other’s bid for permanent seat on UN Security Council is called:
G 4

11.The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is also known as:
Peace Pipeline

12.The first parliamentary elections in Afghanistan were held in:

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