ETS GRE Solved Psychology MCQs Test

GRE Tests Psychology MCQs

          1) The combination of responses or ideals in novel way is called:
a) Exploration
b) Creativity
c) Thinking

2) Group intelligence testing is better than individual testing:
a) True
b) False

3) Birth typically occurs after:
a) Forty weeks conception
b) Thirty eight weeks conception
c) Four weeks conception
d) None of these

4) Longitudinal researches investigate:
a) Behavior through times as subject age
b) Behavior of different ages are compared
c) None of these

5) The cause of abnormal behavior is only physiological, it is explained by:
a) Psycho model
b) Medical model
c) Psychosocial model
d) None of these

6) One abnormal behavior was associated with witch craft:
a) True
b) False

7) A feeling of apprehension or tension is:
a) Frustration
b) Panic
c) Anxiety

8) Which of the following treatments deal with phobias by gradual exposure?
a) Super ego control
b) Systematic desensitization
c) Reinforcement
d) Dreams
e) None of these

9) The operation of the brain’s neurotransmitters is altered because:
a) Use of LDS
b) Use of alcohol
c) None of these

10) Researches show that poor performance is the result of:
a) Poor conditions
b) Job satisfaction
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

11) Low job satisfaction is likely to bring about high absenteeism:
a) False
b) True

12) The term propinquity explains:
a) Geographical proximity
b) Why people affiliate with one another
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

13) Group think refers to:
a) Deterioration of mental efficiency
b) Deterioration of physical energy
c) Think tank
d) None of these

14) Main functions of stimulants are:
a) To alleviate tension
b) To provide energy and alertness
c) Prescribed for insomnia
d) None of these

15) Chromosomal anomalies can be recognized by slanting eyes and flat nose:
a) Down’s syndrome
b) PKU
c) Langdon Down’s syndrome

16) Characters disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive behavior are developed due to disturbed parent-child relation in the:
a) Later Oedipal phase
b) Paranoid stage
c) Libido
d) None of these

17) According to the Piaget, from 2 to 7 years of age, language is developed slowly and gradually this stage is called:
a) Preoperational stage
b) Egocentric stage
c) Sensorimator stage
d) None of these

18) Speech like but meaningless sound appear between 3 months to one year is termed as:
a) Syntax
b) Babble
c) Conversation
d) None of these

19) The ability to deal with new problems and encounters is technically called as:
a) Crystallized intelligence
b) G or g-factor of intelligence
c) Fluid intelligence
d) None of these

20) The triachric theory of intelligence suggests that there are:
a) Four components
b) Six components
c) Three components
d) None of these

21) The junction where the axon of a sending neuron communicates with a receiving neuron is called the:
a) Reuptake site
b) Receptor site
c) Synapse
d) Axon terminal
e) None of these

22) The autonomic nervous system differs from the somatic nervous system in that its operation is largely:
a) Involuntary
b) Voluntary
c) Controlled by the brain
d) Controlled by the spinal chord
e) None of these

23) The most fundamental principle of perceptual organization is called the:
a) Figure-ground relationship
b) Volley principle
c) Dark adaptation phenomenon
d) Law of closure
e) None of these

24) Which of the following phenomena was studied by parlor?
a) Maturation
b) Animal cognition
c) Operant conditioning
d) Classical conditioning
e) None of these

25) What can occur if a person believes that a connection exists between an act and its consequences when there is no relationship between the two?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Superstitious behavior
c) Shaping
d) Sequential learning
e) None of these

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