European History MCQs for Competitive Examinations

European History

1. The treaty of Bucharest was imposed by Germany on
a) Algeria
b) Bulgaria
c) Rumania
d) None of these
2. Atlantic Charter was issued to
a) 1941
b) 1943
c) 1945
d) None of these
3. The project of Baghdad Railways was conceived by
a) Russia
b) Germany
c) USA
d) None of these
4. Germany withdrew from the League of Nations in
a) 1930
b) 1932
c) 1934
d) None of these
5. USA entered into the first World War in
a) 1914
b) 1915
c) 1917
d) None of these
6. Bulgaria entered the first World War in
a) 1914
b) 1915
c) 1916
d) None of these
7. In the Battle of Passchendacle 1917 British losses were
a) Six hundred thousand
b) five thousand
c) Three hundred thousand
d) None of these
8. The ———- plan came into existence in 1929
a) Marshal
b) Berlin
c) Young
d) None of these
9. By the Treaty of Versailles German Army was limited to
a) Six hundred thousand
b) three hundred thousand
c) one hundred thousand
d) None of these
10. The Kellogg Pact was signed in
a) 1917
b) 1926
c) 1927
d) None of these
11. In——— the Reparation Committee fixed Germany’s reparations debt at 66000 million marks
a) 1921
b) 1927
c) 1937
d) None of these
12. Mustafa Kamal was born in
a) Angora
b) Salonika
c) Sakaria
d) None of these
13. The Treaty of Brestlitovsk was dictated to———- by Germany
a) France
b) Austria
c) England
d) None of these
14. The Dawes Settlement was signed in
a) 1915
b) 1924
c) 1925
d) None of these
15. Battle of Jutland was fought in
a) 1916
b) 1915
c) 1914
d) None of these
16. The Treaty of ——— was signed with Bulgaria
a) Trianon
b) St. Germain
c) Neuilly
d) None of these
17. Germany faced——— during invasion of Norway
a) Little resistance
b) Some resistance
c) Much opposition
d) None of these
18. By the Treaty of Lousanne Turkey was allowed to retain
a) Smyrna and Constantinople
b) Constantinople and Armenia
c) Smyrna and Armenia
d) None of these
19. Hitler became the President of Germany in
a) 1932
b) 1933
c) 1934
d) None of these
20. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations in
a) 1932
b) 1931
c) 1930
d) None of these

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