General Knowledge of Computer

General Knowledge Tests

General Knowledge of Computer online free pdf. gk about computer. knowledge of basic computer.

Q: How many bits are there in half a byte?

A: Half a byte is equal to 4 bits.

Q: What is the meaning of the term “bit”?

A: Bit stands for Binary Digit.

Q: How many bits are there in a byte?

A: A byte consists of 8 bits.

Q: How many bytes are there in a megabyte?

A: There are 1,048,576 bytes in a megabyte.

Q: How many bytes are there in a kilobyte?

A: A kilobyte contains 1,024 bytes.

Q: What is a word in computer terminology?

A: A word is a combination of 16 bits.

Q: How many bytes are there in a terabyte?

A: A terabyte is equivalent to 1 trillion bytes.

Q: Which generation does our PC belong to?

A: Our PC belongs to the 4th generation of computers.

Q: Who coined the term “computer virus”?

A: Fred Cohen coined the term “computer virus”.

Q: When was the first computer virus created and where?

A: The first computer virus was created in 1970 at Bell Laboratories.

Q: What does WORM stand for?

A: WORM stands for Write Once Read Many.

Q: How is the power of a supercomputer measured?

A: The power of a supercomputer is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations per Second).

Q: Who created the WWW/http (hypertext transfer protocol) and in which year?

A: Tim Burners-Lee created the WWW/http in 1992.

Q: How many columns are there in a worksheet?

A: A worksheet typically contains 256 columns.

Q: What does G.W. stand for in G.W.Basic?

A: G.W. in G.W.Basic stands for Gateway.

Q: Who created the first supercomputer?

A: J.H. Van Tassel created the first supercomputer.

Q: What does CORBA stand for?

A: CORBA stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture.

Q: What does URL stand for?

A: URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

Q: Who invented the RAM chip?

A: Intel invented the RAM chip.

Q: How is information stored on a disk?

A: Information is stored on a disk as a series of bumps on its shiny side.

Q: Do DVDs hold more information than CDs? How do they achieve this?

A: Yes, DVDs hold more information than CDs. They use smaller bumps and have two reflective layers.

Q: How are recordable CDs different from regular CDs in terms of data storage?

A: Recordable CDs do not have bumps. They have patches of color on the disk to change the reflected laser light.

Q: Who designed the world’s first commercial computer and when?

A: John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert designed the world’s first commercial computer, Univac-1, in 1951.

Q: When was the mainframe computer built?

A: The mainframe computer was built in 1968.

Q: When was the first supercomputer, Cray-1, developed?

A: The first supercomputer, Cray-1, was developed in 1976.

Q: When did IBM produce the IBM PC?

A: IBM produced the IBM PC in 1981.

Q: When did IBM create the quantum computer?

A: IBM created the quantum computer in 1998.

Q: What kind of processing does a supercomputer use?

A: Supercomputers use parallel processing.

Q: When were computer games introduced?

A: Computer games were introduced in 1974.

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