General Science Questions With Answers

Everyday Science MCQs

General Science Questions With Answers
Solved General Science Questions Answers Tests

01. Glycogen is mainly stored in 
Ans Liver and muscles

02. Anaemia is caused in man due to the deficiency of
a. Folic acid
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin B 12
Ans None of these

03. Which of the following situations will be fatal to the first foetus ?
Ans Rh positive male marries Rh negative woman

04. The most important function of perspiration is to
Ans Regulate the body temperature

05. The main function of white blood cell in body is to
Ans Protect body against diseases

06. The cranial nerve which supplies regions of the body is 
Ans Vagus

07. The number of chromosomes in the human body is
Ans 46

08. One micron is equal to
Ans One- thousandth of a millimeter

09. The innermost linning which wraps the brain and spinal card in vertebrates is called
Ans Piamater

10. Adrenocorticotrophic harmone (ACTH) is secreted by
Ans Pituitay
11. The purest form of water is obtained from
Ans Heavy rains

12. Diamond and Emerald contain
Ans Carbon and silicon
13. Cloudy nights are warmer than clear nights due to
Ans Prevention of heat radiated out by the earth from escaping into the sky

14. Which of the following semi-conductor ?
Ans Copper

15. As one climbs up the Mount Everest, one experiences difficulty in breathing due to
a. Low content of nitrogen
b. Low content of oxygen
c. High content of carbon dioxide
Ans None of above

16. A camera forms
Ans Real but inverted images

17. The gas used in Soda water is
Ans Carbon dioxide

18. A red flower placed in green light appears 
Ans black

19. The metal used in storage batteries is
Ans Lead

20. A instrument used to detect the presence of a current in a circuit is called
Ans Ammeter

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