GK Questions about Science

Everyday Science MCQs
GK Questions about Science with answers. General knowledge questions about science free practice tests online.

Which instrument is used to measure pressure?
a. Thermometer
b. Barometer
c. Manometer
d. Tonometer

What does Angstrom measure?
a. Electric current
b. Time
c. Temperature
d. Speed of ships

Light year is related to
a. Time
b. Energy
c. Distance
d. Temperature

Which of the following instruments is used to measure pressure of gases?
a. Thermometer
b. Manometer
c. Hydrometer
d. Tonometer

Joule is the unit of
a. Electric current
b. Energy
c. Time
d. Temperature

How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?
a. 100
b. 500
c. 981
d. 1000

How many Ergs are there in 1 Joule?
a. 10
b. 100
c. 1000
d. 10,000

The unit of current is
a. Volt
b. Watt
c. Ampere
d. Ohm

The unit of energy in MKS system is
a. Newton
b. Watt
c. Volt
d. Joule

The intensity of an earthquake is measured with a
a. Chronometer
b. Barometer
c. Tachometer
d. Seismograph

Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at
a. -40°C
b. 0°C
c. 100°C
d. 212°F

Who among the following described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Robert Koch
c. T. H. Huxley
d. Francis Crick

The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves around the sun was
a. Isaac Newton
b. Galileo Galilei
c. Copernicus
d. Johannes Kepler

Alexander Fleming discovered
a. X-rays
b. Insulin
c. Penicillin
d. DNA structure

Who among the following invented the steam engine?
a. Thomas Edison
b. James Watt
c. Nikola Tesla
d. Alexander Graham Bell

Who invented the typewriter?
a. Thomas Edison
b. Alexander Graham Bell
c. Sholes
d. Samuel Morse

Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body?
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Robert Koch
c. William Harvey
d. Edward Jenner

The first attempt in printing was made in England by
a. Johannes Gutenberg
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. William Caxton
d. Johann Fust

Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865?
a. Joseph Lister
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Robert Koch
d. Edward Jenner

The credit of inventing the television goes to
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Thomas Edison
c. Faraday
d. Guglielmo Marconi

The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to
a. Jonas Salk
b. Albert Sabin
c. Selman Waksman
d. Edward Jenner

Mark the wrong combination
a. J. Perkins: Penicillin
b. Alexander Fleming: Antibiotics
c. Louis Pasteur: Pasteurization
d. Robert Koch: Germ theory of disease

Answer Key:

c. Manometer
d. Wavelength of light
c. Distance
b. Manometer
b. Energy
c. 980
d. 10,000,000
c. Ampere
d. Joule
d. Seismograph
a. -40
a. Thomas Huxley
c. Copernicus
a. Penicillin
b. James Watt
c. Sholes
c. William Harvey
c. William Caxton
a. Joseph Lister
c. Faraday
a. Jonas Salk
J. Joseph Lister

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