KPPSC Every Day Science Papers


General Knowledge(Everyday Science)PMS-2013 Paper
Time Allowed : 03 Hours

Note: Attempt ANY TEN questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1 : Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

Q2 : Muslim scientists played an important role in the evolution and development of science. Explain

Q3 : Where does “Ozone layer” lie in atmosphere? How it is depleting and how we can prevent its depletion?

Q4(a) : Define acid rain. How it forms and what are its effects?
(b) : State how your city or vilage is an ECOSYSTEM and describe your position and role in that ecosystem.

Q5 : Differentiate between any FIVE of the following:
a: Asteriod and Meteorite
b: cartilage and bone
c: Fission and Fusion
d: RAM and ROM
e: Ghee and oil
f: Absorption and adsorption

Q6 : Write briefly about any FIVE of the following :
a:Cosmic rays
d:Artificial Radiocativity
e:Biological evolution
f: Isotopes

Q7 : Briefly account for:
i) what is mirage?
ii) Why do we perspire before rain?
iii) How does microwave oven cook?
iv) Why is it easier to roll a barrel than to pull it?
v) Why do gardeners use the method of cutting and grafting?

Q8 : Briefly account for:
a: What is hepatitis?
b: Why do stars twinkle?
c: Why are cloudy nights generally warm?
d: Why there is a small gap between the joints of railway tracks?
e: Why pure water is not a strong electrolyte?

Q9 : Write shortly about any FIVE of the following:
a: Entropy
b: Cyrstalline Solids
c: Escape velocity
e: Natural gas
f: Microcomputer

Q10(a) : What are the optical fibers and on which principle do they work?Describe their few uses
(b) : What is the significance of Vitamins? Descibe the sources, uses and deficiency symptoms of fat soluble vitamins.

Q11 : Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy source. Give one example of each.

Q12 : Differentiate between any FIVE of the following:
a: Stars and planets
b: Autopsy and Biopsy
c: Alloy and Amalgam
c: Normal salt and Basic salt
d: Hardware and software
e: Crude oil and residual oil

Q13 : Describe the achievements of “genetic engineering” in medicine, agriculture and environment.?

Q14 : Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
a:Information Technology
b: Microbiology
c: Solar cells

Q15 : Choose the correct Answer:
(i): The famous book: Al-Qanoon was written by the Muslim scientist:
a: Jabir bin Hayyan
b: Al-Razi
c: Abu Ali sina
d: Abdul Qasim Majreeti

(ii): Coulomb is the scientific unit to measure:
a: Mass
b: Velocity
c: Temperature
d: None of the above

(iii): Amino acids are the organic compounds behaving like:
a: Acid
b: Base
c: both a and b
d: None of the above

(iv): Animals obtain carboydrates mainly from:
a: Sucrose
b: Glycogen
c: starch
d: Glucose

(V): The study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth is called:
a: Fossilization
b: Paleantology
c: Palaeozoology
d: None of the above

(vi): One of the main functions of the earth’s ozone layer is to:
a: prevent global warming
b: filter out UltraViolet rays
c: Absorb pollution
d: All of the above

(vii): The internal resistance of a liquid to flow is called:
a: isomorphism
b: viscosity
c: Surface tension
d: Allotropy

(viii): The type of modulation that changes the height of the signal is called:
a: Frequency
b: Phase
c: Amplitude
d: Height

(ix): If a person eats more protein than are needed, this causes increased production of :
a: Urea
b: Hormones
c: Lactic acid
d: None of the above

(x): When all access and procesing is done in one location, a computer system is said to be:
a: Networked
b: Distributed
c: Centralised
d: Linked

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