Labour Officer Past Exam Papers PDF

Labour Officer Past Exam Papers PDF

1-Right of Assciation is a —————————Fundamental right

2-Name ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN was given in which constitution———–1973

3-Objective resolution made part of ———–in 1985

4-P.M tenders his resignation to——-president

5-Parliamnet consists of———NA, Senate, President

6-how many amendments have been made in the constitution ——-19

7- who appoints the governors? president

8-senate is presided ———–Chairman Senate

9-lower house of the parliament———National Assembly

10- Cheif election commissioner office term—-3years

11-fundamental rights are enforcable by——- both Supreme court & high courts

12-in 1973 constituent committee consists of parties—–All parties

13-chlid labor is prohibited under———constitution u/art 11

14-what age of child not allowed for labour——–14 years

15-National reconciliation order enacted in the year——–2007

16-Census is made after——–once in a decade

17-Most speaking language in pakistan———punjabi

18-pak afghan relation severed ———after every 10 years

19-faiz Ahmen FAiz is———a poet

20-what is sahiwal——–a Division & district of punjab

21-largest coastal line of province——-balochistan

22-in which area sui gas was discoverd first time—–sibbi,sui, 1952

23-kashmir is important because——-

24- another name of hatf III missile——gazdnavi

25-IAEA hearquarter———-VIENNA

26-ILO headquarter——–Geneva, switzerland

27-Egypt in which continent—–Africa

28-Al-Azhar university in which country——-egypt

29-third world countries are———backward countires

30-Solar system was discovered by———

31- who was the discoverer of radioactivity along with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, for which all three

won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics?

Antoine Henri Becquerel from france

32-who is current Secretary General of UN——-Ban ki moon

33-Alumni meanz———–old student

34-NPT stands for—–Non Proliferation Treaty

35 RAM stands for—–Random access memory

36- Computers main part—-CPU

37-Drone is detectd by——?

38-richest source of Vit D——cod liver oil

39-Hepatitis C disease of—-Liver

40-climbing on up hilly in bent condition makes the person——tired, stable, fast his speed

41-Artificial forest of pakistan—-Changa manga

42-impact of wuller barrage on pakistan?

shortage of water+shortage of energy etc

43-Umul Quran is name of —Surah Fateha

44- who was called the brain of arab?

hazrat amr bin-al-ass(r.a)

45-Most hafiz e quran were martyrd in ghazwa——yamamah

46-subject of Quran———–human

47-Ayat in Surah kouser—–3

48-last khutba was dilivered by Prophet (PBUH) on mountian ——-Safa

49-Zaboor was revealed on —–Hazrat Daud AS

50-Ist constitution in the world——-Misaq e Madina

51-Hijrat Habsha was ————social boycott

52-Mutafq Alai is———hadith in Bukhari & Muslim

53-number of prisoner in jang e badar—70

54-which one of following is kind of tax——ushr n zakat

55-zakat on diamond—2.5%

56- zakat on constrution of mosque is——-not

57- Emphasis of Madni surahs was on which topic?

58-Ghzwa furqan is another name of—-ghzwa badar

59-correct word—-formidable

60-chair synonym—seat

61-No sooner is followed by—–than

62-She resembles ————-to her mother or with his sister

63-noun of the word excite——excitement

64-person unable to pay his debt———insolvent

65-he brushed ____on my arguments

66-i am sick —–of ….

67-CBA is elected through—–secret balloting

68-labour court jurisdiction

69-NIRC power

70-congniznce by labour court in dayz—-what is google?

a search engine

71-what will be the next number? 3,6,5,20,7,42,9,………?


72-what will be the next number? 4,5,7,11….?


73-1sq cm is equal to how many square mm?


74- 1 miligram gold is equal to how many milligram?


75-if the 10% length of a road is 50m what will be its total length?


76-the price of an article increase by 25% , who many % price decrease to remain the same old price

of article?


77-The writer of awaz dost is ?

mukhtar masood

78-13-blue and white nile met at?


79-freedom of trade is a?

fundamental right

80-We are saved from ultraviolet rays of sun through?

81-What odor is mixed in natural gas?

82-Surah Ikhlas is called …..of Quran?

83-D.M.S (digital management system) consist of ?

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