MCQS Notes of Pakistan Studies 9th Class


Mian Abdul Rasheed is first chirf justice of Pakistan

First Constituent Assembly was consists of 69 members

Indus water treaty signed in 1960 by the cooperation of world bank.

Total states in subcontinent—635

First education policy—-1947

First constitution of Pakistan was issued on 23 march 1956 consists of 234 articles,13 chapters,6 gushwary.

Unicameral legislature was introduced in 1956 with 310 members.
urdu and bengali were official langiages.

First Martial Law by Ayub Khan—on 7 October 1958

BD system was introduced by Ayub Khan in 1959 consisting of 80000 members.

Muslim Family Laws ordinance —–1961

Second Constitution—-8 june 1962

Indo Pak war from 6sep to 23 sep 1965

Land reforms by ayub khan in 1959.

Second Martial Law by Yahya Khan on 25 March 1969


First General Elections in 1970

6 pint formula by Shaikh Mujib

Bangladesh formed 16 December 1971.

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