PMS General Knowledge Past Papers

PMS General Knowledge Past Papers

1-Seattle sea pot…. USA
2-200th anniversary of the scientist in 2009…. Charles Darwin
3-3rd may… world press freedom day
4-River passing through Paris… The Siens
5-BIN is the intelligence agency of…. Indonasia
6-Silicon valley in California is famous because of.. Software Industry
7.In 2008 monarchy ended in a country after 240 years… Nepal
8-Country celebrating 50th anniversary of communist revlution… Cuba
9-Pearl Harbor is in the state of USA…. Hawaii
10-Blue House is the official residence in .. South Korea
11-The largest number of Newspapers of country…..??????
12-40% of world oil passes through… Strait of Hormuz
13-Asiana is the airline of … South Korea
14- Oldest parliament in the world— Althing
15-Order of Honor and Banner is the award of— USSR
16-Which field was not included by Alfred Nobel originally… Economics
17-The term Intifada means… Uprising
18-The last King of Afghanistan… Zahir Shah
19-Hamas was founded by.. Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
20-Person getting the nobel peace prize in 2008 was of the country..Finland
21-Luger Bill will provide Pakistan an aid of….1.5 billion dollars annualy
22-Likud and Kaldima parties belong to… Israel
23-Cities of afghanistan border alongwith pakistan border……?????
24-Which city of afghanistan prouces most opium… Herat
25-Transit trade agreement b/w pak and afghan in….1965
26-Oldest organistion among OIC, ECO, SAARC and D8 ……..OIC
27-Tamils are fighting in which are of Srilanka… Jaffana
28-Naxalite movement is in … India
29-Old name of Chennai is … Madras
30-Teges is the currency of…. Kazikhstan
31-Waterloo is now in… Belgium
32-Hemmant Korkare was the… Chief od Indian Squad during Mumbai drama
33-The Idea of AESM meeting organisation was given by a person of country…Singapore….?????
34-World Bank president is …. Zollick
35-ICJ has issued the arrest warrant of … Omar al BAshar of Sudan
36-Petticoat government is the government by… Woman
37-Brain Drain is.. Emmigration of Intellectuals
38-Russia is worried about the Missile defence system of US in…..??????
39-Russia gives oil to Europe through the route of… Ukrine
40-Khar is in … Bajur
41-Swat valley is in the mountain range of… Himaliyan
42-The word Philately means.. Stamps collection
43-Study of Human races…. Ethnology
44-Marco Polo was.. Travellor
45-East India Company was established during the period of … Aourangzeb
46-Israel operation in Palestine which killed more than 1400 people was named as…….???????
47-Most Subways in the country.. USA
48-CPU stands for…. Central Processing Unit
49-Father of the Computer.. Charles Babbage
50-3- Gorges Dam is in .. China
51-Winner of 8-oscar awards movie in 2008….Slumdog Millionaire
52-Madam Tausand museum is in .. London
53-1-metric ton is equal to…1000kgs
54-Headquarters of IMF… WAshington DC
55-Chronometer is used to measure… time
56-Anemometer is used to measure… Wind Speed
57-UN spends $8-billion every year on……
58-US under agreement of partnership with Pakistan will give ………?
59-Recently Pakistan is aided by 200mw by.. UAE
60-Oldest anthem in the world is…. Netherland
61-Hung Parliament is….No single party has the majority
62-Timeline of withdrawl of forces from Iraq by obama…2011
63-Country with the largest Kurd population… Iraq
64-Country recently elected to IAEA…. Afghanistan
65-Country with whom pakistan is having most of his trade…. USA…?????
66-Karachi Nuclear Power plant is with the help of … Canada
67-Why Black is called Black…..Because of fog….?????
68-A country closed her station for USA… Kyrgizstan
69-Bird largest in size… Ostrich
70- Next Football world Cup in 2010 is in…..South Africa
71-National Income of the country is…tax collection by the central govt????
72-World economic crisis was due to… Housing and mortgage problem in USA
73-Human Right Watch dog headquarter is in.. New York
74-Fleet Street in London is famous for… The Press
75-African Union President…. Hossani Mubarak…??????
76-Oil company Aramaco is of .. Saudi Arabia
77-Oldest Search Engine is … Yahoo
78-The country with foreign reserves of above $2 trillion… China
79-Vitamin not stored in human body…..B
80-Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease of… Teeth
81-Parcel Islands are of…. Cuba ?????
82-Khmer Rouge was attacked by…. Vietnamese
83-Light of sun reaches the earth in…..499 seconds
84-A book of 2008″A way of hope and extremism…… Ayesha Jalal
85-Statement to combat terrorism by task forces…. Zardari
86-A place between the seven wonders..???????
87-Russian News agency…..Itar-Tass
88-Israel peace process with palestine was stalled….All of the above
89-Nobel Prize holder UN institutions…..All of the them
90-A persons name was written and was asked about the organisation… red cross, scouts, CNN, etc
91-Obama’s convoy to Middle East…. John Mitchel

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