Political Science MCQs for CS Exams

Political Science MCQs
i . Which American state is called the mother of Presidents:
a. Florida
b. New York
c. Texas
d. Virginia

ii. The British constitution is based on:
a. The theory of separation of powers
b. Checks and balances
c. Judicial review
d. Difference between the theory and practice

iii. The Congress sits at place in Washington D.C is called:
a. Capital Hill
b. White House
c. 10 Downing Street
d. None of these

iv. The title of former emperor of Russia was:
a. Sir
b. Czar
c. Lord
d. King

v. The word ‘REX’ stands for:
a. The Queen
b. The Crown
c. The Court
d. The Parliament

vi. The constitutional history of France begins with the French Revolution of:
a. 1780
b. 1786
c. 1789
d. 1890

vii. The American Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on:
a. 4 July 1772
b. 4 July 1776
c. 4 July 1783
d. None of these

viii. According to the constitution of France the Executive head of Government is:
a. The Prime Minister
b. The President
c. The Queen
d. The King

ix. The Soviet Union was dissolved in:
a. 1989
b. 1990
c. 1991
d. 1992

x. The first president of the Fifth Republic was:
a. Coty
b. General DeGaulle
c. Chirac
d. None of these

xi. The smallest administrative unit in British Local Self Government is:
a. The Parish
b. The borrough
c. The country
d. The district

xii. The authority of Judical Review was excercised for the first time by the Chief Minister Marshal in:
a. 1808
b. 1803
c. 1821
d. 1825

xiii. The quorum for hose of Lords is:
a. 50
b. 14
c. 3
d. 12

xiv. The Gullotine or closure by compartment is a term used in the law making procedure in:
a. USA
b. UK
c. France
d. Turkey

xv. The Lengthiest written constitution of the world is:
a. British Constitution
b. Indian Constitution
c. Chinese Constitution
d. French Constitution

xvi. The ideological foundation of the Turkish Constition is based on:
a. Kamalism
b. Socialsim
c. Islam
d. None of these

xvii. The Iranian Revolution under the leadership of Ayatullah Khomeini removed the monarch in:
a. 1989
b. 1979
c. 1997
d. 1980

xviii. The founder father of the modern china is:
a. Chiang Ki Shek
b. Derg Za Ping
c. Mao Tse Tung
d. Lu Hsun

xix. The Objective Resolution was made a part of the 1973 constitution in:
a. 1977
b. 1980
c. 1985
d. 1986

xx. The Supreme Judicial Council under the 1973 constitution consists of:
a. 9 members
b. 10 members
c. 5 members
d. 7 members

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