Political Science MCQs

Political Science MCQs
(i) Any British national is eligible to become a member of House of Commons if he has attained the age of:
(a) 18 years
(b) 21 years
(c) 25 years
(d) None of these

(ii) Lenin was elected as President on:

(a) 24 October 1917
(b) 25 October 1917
(c) 21 November 1918
(d) None of these

(iii) Approval of any draft at House of Lords requires minimum presence of:

(a) 20 members
(b) 30 members
(c) 40 members
(d) None of these

(iv) As per 1st Communist constitution of Russia, the Presidium consists of:

(a) 29 members
(b) 33 members
(c) 39 members
(d) None of these

(v) In the ancient times England remained under Roman rule for about:

(a) 350 years
(b) 400 years
(c) 450 years
(d) None of these

(vi) American autonomy was admitted by the British empire in the year:

(a) 1776
(b) 1783
(c) 1786
(d) None of these

(vii) George Washington was appointed 1st President of U.S.A. on:

(a) 6 April 1789
(b) 4 March 1789
(c) 20 January 1789
(d) None of these

(viii) For 50 years during 1533-1583 Russia was ruled by:

(a) Alexander the great
(b) Ivan IV
(c) Ivan III
(d) None of these

(ix) Tenure of French senate is:

(a) 5 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 9 years
(d) None of these

(x) Out of total population of Turkey, Muslims are:

(a) 96%
(b) 97%
(c) 98%
(d) None of these (99.9%)

(xi) Referendum was conducted for approval of 1982 constitution of Turkey on:

(a) 7 November 1982
(b) 17 November 1982
(c) 27 November 1981
(d) None of these

(xii) The 1st French Republic was proclaimed on:

(a) 8 August 1788
(b) 23 June 1789
(c) 10 August 1792
(d) None of these

(xiii) Last emperor of China ruled the country till the year:

(a) 1810
(b) 1912
(c) 1942
(d) None of these

(xiv) Upto 83% Chinese farmers came under combined cultivation scheme in the year:

(a) 1868
(b) 1946
(c) 1950
(d) None of these

(xv) On return from France Allama Ayatullah Khumeini was very well received by the people of Iran on:

(a) 1 January 1979
(b) 21 January 1979
(c) 31 January 1979
(d) None of these

(xvi) Dr. Mussadiq, the then Prime Minister dethroned the Iranian King for implementation of democracy in the year:

(a) 1953
(b) 1954
(c) 1954
(d) None of these

(xvii)Lok Sabha, the lower house of Indian parliament, consists of:
(a) 1300 members
(b) 1400 members
(c) 1500 members
(d) None of these

(xviii) Minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha in India is:

(a) 25 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 35 years
(d) None of these

(xix) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent last days of his life at:

(a) Ziarat
(b) Quetta
(c) Karachi
(d) None of these

(xx) Objectives Resolution was made a part of preamble of Pakistan Constitution of:

(a) 1956
(b) 1962
(c) 1973
(d) None of these

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