Political Science Solved MCQS for CSS

Political Science MCQs
1- Quorum of Senate of PAkistan is:
a) 1/2
b) 1/3
c) 1/4[/B]
d) 1/5
e) none

2- Under 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, __________ woman/women can be included as mamber/ members of the Council of Islamic Ideology:
c) Two
D) Three

3- Financial Powers of the Senate of Pakistan are _________ to the National Assembly of Pakistan:
a) Equal
b) More
c) Less
d) Nil

4- Islam was declared as the State religion under the _________ constitution of Pakistan:
a) 1973
b) 1962
c) 1956
d) 8th amendment

5- Scientific Society was establishe by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in:
a) 1867
b) 1866
c) 1864
d) 1863

6- The Privy council consists of _______ members:
a) 30
b) 100
c) 330
d) none (membership is not fixed, rage between 300-360 )

7- The French president is elected by:
a) Electoral college
b) Direct universal sufferage
c) national assembly
d) senate
e) none

8- ” Right Honourable” is the title of:
a) Members of the Privy council
b) Cabinet Ministers
c) Judges of the courts
d) None

9- Under the 5th republic, tenure of French president is _______ years:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7
e) none

10- American ___________ is known as the Third Chamber.
a) President
b) Supreme Court
c) Senate
d) House of Representatives
e) none

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