PPSC Islamic Studies MCQS Notes

Islamic Studies MCQs

• Yousuf and Yaqoob met each other after 40 years.
• Yousuf was the son of Yaqoob.
• Yousuf’s family was called the Israeelites.
• Real brother of Yousuf was Bin Yamen.
• Yousuf was sold as a slave in Egypt.
• Yousuf had 12 brothers.
• Yousuf was famous for his beauty & knew facts of dreams.
• Mother of Yousuf was Rachel.
• Yaqoob lost his eye-sight in memory of Yousuf.
• Nation of Shoaib committed embezzlement in trusts.
• Shoaib called Speaker of the Prophets.(Khateeb ul ambiya)
• Shoaib got blinded for weeping over destruction of his nation.
• Ilyas prayed for nation it rained after a period of 312 years.
• Uzair reassembled all copies of Taurait.
• Taloot was the father-in-law of Dawood.
• Dawood was good player of flute.
• Fountain of Copper flowed from Sulayman.
• Woodpecker conveyed Sulayman’s message to Saba queen.
• Younus remained in fish for 40 days.
• King Herodus ordered the execution of Yahya.
• Politus on Roman governor’s orders tried execution of Isa.
• Dawood is called as Najeeb Ullah.
• In quran ten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara.
• Teacher of Hakeem Lukman was Dawood.
• Prophets lifted alive Isa,Idrees&Ilyas.
• Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt.
• Idrees was the first man to learn to write.
• Idrees was taken alive to Heavens at the age of 365 Y.
• Gnostics regarded Sheesh as a divine emanation.
• Gnostics means Sheesinas and inhabited Egypt.
• Idrees was sent to Gnostics.
• Idol worship was forbidden by Idress to people.
• Idress was special friend of one of the angels.
• Idrees remained in 4th heaven.
• Idreess died in the wings of the angel.
• Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Noah.
• Sam, Ham & Riyyafas were the children of Noah.
• Bani Aad settled in Yemen.
• Shaddad was famous king of Bani Aad.
• Glorious palace near Adan built by Bani Aad was known as Garden of Iram.
• Shaddad kingdom was extended to Iraq.
• A violent storm was sent to Bani Aad.
• Grave of Hood is at Hazarmoat.
• Oman, Yemen & Hazarmoat are in Southern Arabia.
• In Rajab, Arabs visit the grave of Hood.
• Bani Samood lived in Wadi al-Qura & Wadi al-Hajr.
• Wadi al-Qura, Wadi al-Hajr are in Syria & Hijaz

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