PPSC Lecturer Psychology Solved MCQS Past Papers


 PPSC Lecturer Psychology Solved MCQS Past Papers

1) Motor skills are largely a result of:

a) Learning
b) Maturational process
c) Practice 
d) Observing other

2) In Piaget’s theory, the first two years of life are called the —– stages:
a) Paralinguistic
b) Exploratory
c) Sensorimotor
d) Preoperational

3) Learning theories explain attachment of infants to their parents in items of:
a) Conditioning
b) Observational learning
c) The maturation of perceptual skills
d) Cognitive development

4) Freud was among the first to suggest that abnormal behavior:
a) Can have a hereditary basis 
b) Is not the result of demonic possession
c) Is psychology caused
d) Can result from biological factors

5) The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is:
a) Axon
b) Autonomic
c) Linear circuit
d) None of these

6) The color, smell and feeling of the flowers are relayed through what part of brain:
a) Acetylcholine
b) Thalamus
c) Motor area
d) None of these

7) A hungry person would find food to be a:
a) Primary reinforcer
b) Secondary reinforcer
c) None of these

8) A psychologist explains you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying thought process. What theory is being stated:
a) Social learning
b) Cognitive learning
c) Trial and error
d) None of these

9) The cause of abnormal behavior is only physiological, it is explained by:
a) Psycho model
b) Medical model
c) Psychosocial model
d) None of these

10) One abnormal behavior was associated with witch craft:
a) True
b) False

11) A feeling of apprehension or tension is:
a) Frustration
b) Panic
c) Anxiety

12) Which of the following treatments deal with phobias by gradual exposure?
a) Super ego control
b) Systematic desensitization
c) Reinforcement
d) Dreams
e) None of these

13) Systematic desensitization is used in treatment of:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mood disorders
c) Phobias
d) Somatoform disorders

14) Guilford’s structure of intellect model of intelligence is notable because:
a) It separate operations from content and product
b) It rejects the idea of gender feature
c) It yields 180 unique intellectual factors
d) All of these

15) The most important criterion of whether an individual should be considered retarded is that individual’s:
a) Social competence
b) Mental age
c) IQ
d) Ability to learn to speak

16) Improved job satisfaction result in—-in work performance and—– in turnover:
a) Decrease: decrease
b) Increase: no change
c) Increase: increase

17) Dependence, passivity and greediness are regarded as traits found in the so-called:
a) Anal character
b) Phallic stage
c) Genital stage
d) Oral character

18) Probably the most insidious form of defense mechanism is:
a) Reaction formation
b) Defensive identification
c) Projection
d) Withdrawal

19) Endomorphy is to eetomorphy as:
a) Love of comfort is to social inhabitation
b) Social inhabitation is to love of comfort
c) Love of comfort is to need for action
d) Need for action is to social inhabitation

20) The two parts of autonomic nervous system are:
a) Voluntary and involuntary 
b) Cerebrospinal and cortical
c) Thalamus and hypothalamus
d) Sympathetic and parasympathetic

21) Which one of the following is not the law of perceptual grouping?
a) Proximity
b) Similarity constancy
c) Constancy
d) Continuation

22) In Pavlovian conditioning the learned response is:
a) CS
b) CR
c) UCS
d) UCR

(23) The so called primary emotions include:
(a) joy, fear, anger, grief
(b) pain, fear, hate, love
(c) shame, guilt, anger, grief
(d) all of the above

(24) Factors predisposing an individual toeards feeling of jealousy include:
(a) Insecurity in self-conception
(b) Lack of intesnity of feelings of love
(c) Self hate
(d) All of the above

(25) Behaviour episodes are:
(a) Organized sequences of behaviour
(b) Characterized by a constant direction of action
(c) Ofter overlapping
(d) All of the above

26- The best studied perceptual constancies include:
(a) Birghtness, focus, angle 
(b) Shape,location, size 
(c) Colour, texture, content 
(d) Size, age, weight 

27- Behaviour according to Operant conditioning theory is controlled by:
(a) Its consequences 
(b) Free will 
(c) Knowledge 
(d) Instinct 

28- Experts generally agree that the primary emotions include:
(a) Fear, Anger and Joy 
(b) Disgust, anger and shame 
(c) Love, joy and sadness 
(d) Fear, anger and hatred 


29. S-R psychology is an approach associated with the perspective:
a. behavioral 
b. psychoanalytic
c. cognitive
d. subjectivst

30. Psychologists whoa re interests in the perception of motion, part-whole relationship and in how people judge size were identified with what shool of psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. gestalt
c. behavioral
d. structural

31. The amount of association between two or more variable is:
a. correlation
b. naturalistic observation
c. reliability
d. synchronicity

32. Gestalt theory emphasized:
a. a flow of consciousness
b. the atoms of thought
c. environmental stimuli
d. our tendency to see patterns

33. Short fibers that branch out from cell body and pick up the incoming message are called:
a. dendrites
b. axons
c. nerves.
d terminals

34. The thyroid gland controls:
a. glucose absorption
b. emotions
b. metabolism
d. sexuality

35. The ability of the eye to distinguish fine details is called:
a visual dilation
b visual acuity
c. visual sensitivity
d. adaptation

36) The explicit and implicit rules that a society establishes to govern conduct are referred to as:
(a) Norms 
(b) Culture
(c) Morality
(d) Conventions 

37) The violation of a society’s explicit and implicit norms can be viewed as not normal in the sense that the violation is:
(a) Deviant 
(b) Distressful 
(c) Dysfunctional
(d) A danger to one’s self or to others 

(38) Which aspect of the definition of abnormality includes unhappiness?
(a) Distress
(b) Deviance 
(c) Dysfunction
(d) Danger to self or others 
39-The _____ lobe is to hearing as the occipital lobe is to vision.
a. Frontal
b. Temporal
c. Parietal
d. cerebeller

40-Reflexes are usually controlled by the:
a. Medulla
b. Frontal lobe
c. Spinal cord
d. Hypothalamus

41-A part of the brain that sends signals “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming messages is:
a. Limbic system
b. Reticular formation
c. amygdala
d. Hippocampus

42-Intelligence can be defined as:
a. Knowledge of a great many facts
b. The ability to get good grades in school
c. The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
d. All the factors that make one person different from another

43-When people are _____ they have lost touch with reality.
a. Manic
b. Neurotic
c. Psychotic
d. Psychopathic

44-Which of the following clinical procedures are based, in part on classical conditioning?
a. Transference
b. Systematic desensitization
c. Token economy
d. Two chair technique

45-Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called:
a. Hysterical
b. Psychosomatic
c. Somatic
d. Conversion disorder

46: Which method of gathering information about the brain indicates overall activity of the brain?
a) Positron Emission Tomography
b) Electroencephalogram
c) Electrical stimulation
d) Studying damage to the brain

47: The phsiological and psychological response to stress referred as:
a) Transition
b) Stressors
c) Strain
d) Hypertension

(48) An example of a cognitive therapy is rational-emotive therapy, which is developed by:
(a) Carl Rogers 
(b) Joseph Wolpe 
(c) Albert Ellis
(d) Allen Bergin 

(49i) The explicit and implicit rules that a society establishes to govern conduct are referred to as:
(a) Norms 
(b) Culture
(c) Morality
(d) Conventions 

(50) The violation of a society’s explicit and implicit norms can be viewed as not normal in the sense that the violation is:
(a) Deviant 
(b) Distressful 
(c) Dysfunctional
(d) A danger to one’s self or to others 


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