SSE English MCQS for NTS Test

i. In Greek tragedy irony and ____________ are fused into one.

a. Allegory
b. Idealism
c. Imagery
d. Satire
e. None of these

ii. Joseph Andrews was written by

a. Richardson
b. Defoe
c. Fielding
d. Bunyan
e. None of these

iii. Shakespeare was born in

a. 1570
b. 1601
c. 1547
d. 1564
e. None of these

iv. ‘The Wheel of Fire’ a criticism was written by

a. Bradley
b. W. Knight
c. Hazlitt
d. Dryden
e. None of these

v. Kubla Khan was written by

a. Wordsworth
b. Coleridge
c. Shelley
d. Keats
e. None of these

vi. G. B. Shaw began his literary career first as:

a. Journalist
b. Novelist
c. Dramatist
d. Critic
e. None of these

vii. W. B. Yeats was born in

a. 1914
b. 1856
c. 1865
d. 1838
e. None of these

viii. Jane Austen’s Work is transfused with the spirit of

a. Classicism
b. Puritanism
c. Idealism
d. Rationalism
e. None of these

ix. The Waste Land by T. S. Elliot is an

a. Ode
b. Elegy
c. Allegory
d. Epic
e. None of these

x. Waiting for Godot by S. Beckett was originally written in

a. Italian
b. Spanish
c. German
d. French
e. None of these

xi. The ________ age tended to favour the taste and search for truth in art:

a. Classical
b. Romantic
c. Victorian
d. Elizabethan
e. None of these

xii. Maud and Inmemoriam were written by

a. Tennyson
b. Keats
c. Pope
d. Shelley
e. None of these

xiii. Tennyson was porn in

a. 1809
b. 1798
c. 1709
d. 1890
e. None of these

xiv. ___________ has a super abundant wealth of words and superfluous ornaments

a. Hyperbole
b. Metaphor
c. Rhetoric
d. Overtone
e. None of these

xv. Keats’ aestheticism was later turned into

a. Romanticism
b. Pre-Raphaelitism
c. Idealism
d. Angilicanism
e. None of these

xvi. _________ is the animating force in the work of C. Bronte

a. Idealism
b. Romanticism
c. Lyricism
d. Radicalism
e. None of these

xvii. The Wilde Swans at Coole is first great collection of poems of

a. W. Lewis
b. Yeats
c. E. Sitwell
d. D. H. Lawrence
e. None of these

xviii. T. S. Eliot was born in

a. 1887
b. 1888
c. 1817
d. 1870
e. None of these

xix. Jane Eyre was written by

a. Jane Austen
b. G. Eliot
c. C. Bronte
d. E. Bronte
e. None of these

xx. Ophelia, Julia , Viola, Imogen are the characters created by

a. Richardson
b. Fielding
c. Hardy
d. Shakespeare
e. None of these

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