World Smallest and Tallest

General Knowledge Tests

• Which of the following countries has the largest area of forest? Russia
• Where is the world’s tallest Pagoda located? China
• Which of the following is the largest Gulf in the world? Gulf of Mexico
• In 1901 who first transmitted radio signals across Atlantic: Marconi
• Which country has the smallest birth rate: Vatican City
• Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions: Germany
• Who piloted the first flight across the English channel: Louis Bleriot
• What was the first James Bond film: Dr No
• Which country set up the world’s first chemistry lab in 1650: Netherlands
• Which country was the first to abolish capitol punishment 1826-Russia Czar Nicholas -Siberia instead
• What country is nearest to the North Pole: Greenland
• Who were the first people to measure the year-Babylonians
• Who was Canada’s first prime minister-Sir John MacDonald
• What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion: Judaism
• In what city is the worlds largest carpet manufacturer-Kashmir
• What is the worlds largest herb-Banana
• What country produces the most tobacco in the world-China
• What country has the most elephants-Tanzania
• Who was the first woman to receive The Order of Merit 1907-Florence Nightingale
• What country has the most Post Offices -India
• Where was the first Miss World contest held in 1951-London
• What country has the worlds largest merchant navy-Liberia
• What country consumes the most tea per capita-Ireland
• What country has the worlds oldest National Anthem-Netherlands
• What city has the worlds biggest taxi fleet-Mexico – over 60000
• What animal is mentioned most in the Bible-Sheep
• What is officially the poorest US state-Mississippi
• DELAG was the worlds first what Oct 16 1909- Airline – by Zeppelin
• Where was the first police force established in 1667-Paris
• What is the world tallest horse Shire Horse
• What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs The Grey Partridge – up to 16
• The King Cobra is the only snake that does what-Builds a Nest
• Worlds oldest existing treaty of 1373 between England and who Portugal
• What is considered to be the worlds fastest team game Ice Hockey
• What is the worlds largest airline- Aeroflot
• Which city had the world first public bus service- Paris
• Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean.
• The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada
• The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin,Moscow
• The biggest stadium in the world is the Strahov Stadium,Prague
• The country which has the greatest population density is Monaco
• The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib
• The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Peary
• The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman
• The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada
• The first explorer to reach the South Pole was Cap.Ronald Amundson
• The airplane was used in war for the first time by Italians(14 Oct.1911)
• United State has most TV stations in the world.
• China has most land frontiers with neighboring countries.
• Tokyo is the largest metropolitan city.
• The first man to circumnavigate the world was Magellan.
• The world’s poorest country with a lowest per capita income is Rwanda.
• Saudi Arabia is no.1 oil producing country in the world
• Hingol is the largest river in the world.
• After USA, France is the biggest arms seller in the world.
• The maximum presentation in the European parliament is held by Germany.
• First test tube baby Louise Brown (England) was born in 1978.
• Oldest athlete to win Olympic title in 1920 belongs to USA.
• Youngest Olympic champion, Barbara pearl Jones belonged to USA.
• USA is the largest nuclear electric power producing country in the world. It produces 98,784 MW electricity which is about 30% of the total nuclear electricity generated in the world.
• Kilauea situated in Hawaii (US) is the most active volcano of the world
• Robert E. Perry (1856-1920) an American explorer reached North Pole on 6th April, 1909 for the first time in human history.
• In what country was the worlds first wildlife sanctuary set up-Sri Lanka 3rd cent BC
• Longest land frontier is of China.
• Highest % of land under cultivation is in India.
• World’s oldest university al-Azhar is in Egypt.
• Smallest continent is Australia.
• Yum located in Arizona (USA) is the sunniest place of the world. It gets sunshine in 91 % possible hours
• The longest continuous war was the thirty year war between various European countries from 1618 to 1648. While the shortest continuous war was between UK and Zanzibar, which lasted from 90 am to 9:45 am on 27th august 1896.
• China had the maximum number (861878) of primary schools. India was at the top with 241,129 secondary schools in 1994.
• USA is the country with 109 nuclear reactors , followed by france 56, japan 51
• Which country grows the most fruit: China
• Vicolo della virilita of Italy is the world’s narrowest street.
• Canal Street is the widest street in USA.
• Fastest animal is cheetah.
• Slowest animal is Snail 2 to 3 feet per minute.
• Biggest bell is Great bell at Moscow.
• Fastest bird is Indian swift.
• Largest bird is Ostrich.
• Smallest bird is Helena’s humming bird.
• Bird that never makes its nest is Cuckoo.
• Wingless bird is Kiwi.
• Longest canal is the Volga-Baltic.
• Highest capital is La Paz (Bolivia).
• Deepest cave is Reseau Jean Bernard (France).
• Biggest cinema house is Roxy (New York).
• Largest Church is Episcopalian Diocese (New York).
• Biggest city (by population) is Tokyo.
• City largest by area is Kiruna (Sweden).
• Largest continent is Asia.
• Smallest continent is Australia.
• Largest coral formation is The Great Barrier Reef (Australia).
• Longest corridor is Rameshwaram temple corridor.
• High
est country is China (Tibet region).
• Largest country by population is China.
• Largest country by area is Russia.
• Smallest country by area is Vatican City State.
• Highest dam is Rogunsky.
• Largest concrete dam is The Grand Coulee, USA.
• Longest Day in Northern Hemisphere is 21st June.
• Shortest Day in Northern Hemisphere is 22nd Dec:
• Largest Delta is Sundarbands (Bangladesh).
• Hottest desert is Libyan Sahara.
• Largest desert is Sahara (Africa) 33, 20,000 sq. miles.
• Highest desert is Atacama (Chile).
• Largest diamond is Cullinan.
• Largest diamond mine is Kimberley (South Africa).
• Largest dome is of Astrodome, Houston (USA).
• Biggest flower is Rafflesia (Java, Indonesia).
• Lightest gas is hydrogen.
• Longest glacier is Lambert (Antarctica).
• Largest gulf is Gulf of Mexico.

• Largest gorge is Grand Canyon.
• Hottest place is Dalol (Ethiopia).
• Largest Island is Greenland.
• Largest underground lake is Drachenhauchloch cave (Arizona).
• Largest man-made lake is Lake Mead Arizona.
• Biggest library is Congress Library (USA).
• Longest lifespan of animal is of Giant tortoise.
• Largest mammal is Blue whale.
• Highest melting point is of Tungsten, 3410° C.
• Tallest Minaret is Qutub Minar (Delhi) 238 feet.
• Largest mosque is Shah Faisal Mosque, Islamabad.
• Highest mountain peak is Mt. Everest (Himalaya).
• Tallest mountain range is The Himalaya range with 96 of world’s 109 tallest peaks.
• Longest mountain range is Andes (South America).
• Biggest museum is British Museum (London).
• Largest Commercial Ocean is Atlantic Ocean.
• Youngest ocean is Atlantic Ocean.
• Mediterrian sea means ‘sea in the middle of land’.
• Saltiest ocean is Mediterranean Ocean.
• Ocean shrinking and growing is Atlantic Ocean.
• Fastest ocean swimmer is Sailfish (68 mph).
• Biggest palace is Vatican.
• Biggest park is the Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada.
• Biggest passenger train is Queen Elizabeth (UK).
• Largest peninsula is Saudi Arabia.
• Coldest place is Verkhoyansk (Russia).
• Driest place is Death Valley (California).
• Hottest place is Azizia Libya Africa.
• Longest railway platform is Khargpur, India
• Highest plateau is Pamir, Tibet.
• Longest poisonous snake is King Cobra.
• Largest port is Rotterdam (Netherlands).
• Largest railway station is Grand Central Terminal.
• Longest railway line is Trans-Siberian Railway.
• Rainiest spot is Cherrapunji.

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