9th 10th Class Important Verbs Notes

1.  She _________________ to school an hour ago.        (go)
2.  He had already_________ the letter.            (post)
3.  I shall be _____________ the paper then.          (read)
4.  She __________ her work before the guests arrived.        (finish)
5.  The baby _________ for milk.            (cry)
6.  He _________ to my letter.              (not reply)
7.  He __________ his house last year.            (sell)
8.  I _________ writing this novel by June next year.        (finish)
9.  They always _________ back home late.          (come)
10. They _________ to sleep at ten.            (not go)
11. I hope it __________ raining by evening.          (stop)
12. I am __________ at your behaviour.            (surprise)
13. She ________ her cat very much.            (love)
14.  I have not __________ you since Monday.          (see)
15. He ___________ to cinema yesterday.          (go)
16. She has __________ a song.              (sing)
17.  Ali is ________ a letter now.              (write)
18. Hamid __________ in 1990.              (die)
19. She _________ English quite well.            (speak)
20. Please __________ here.              (come)
21.  They will ___________ all night.            (travel)
22. You __________ a bath daily.            (take)
23. They __________ the bazaar yesterday.          (decorate)
24. We are __________ a new book.            (print)
25.  We have not ________ tea.              (take)
26. They _________ the bazaar yesterday.          (decorate)
27. They have already __________ their duty.          (do)
28. It has been _________ since morning.          (rain)
29.  The sun _________ in the west.            (set)
30. It _______________ at present.            (rain)
31. She ___________ since morning.            (sleep)
32. She ____________ her examination by next fall.        (take)
33. It __________ to rain an hour ago.            (begin)
34. They ___________ for New York tomorrow.        (leave)
35.  He ___________ Urdu now.              (speak)
36. She _________ a lie.                (tell)
37. He __________ her back.              (send)
38. He _____________ a letter two days ago.          (receive)
39.  He _____________ over sins.            (not repent)
40. The patient __________ before the doctor came.        (die)
41.  My brother ___________ to me for ten years.        (write)
42. How long ago you ___________ here.          (come)
43. The earth ____________ around the sun.          (revolve)
44. I ___________ her in the plane.            (meet)
45.  What will you _________ at four?            (do)
46. I do not __________ my meals at night.          (take)
47. He has not ___________ me waiting.          (keep)
48. She was making tea when the bell _______________.      (ring)
49. She __________ any noise.              (not hear)
50.  You ___________ it.                (not understand)
51.  I shall wait here until __________ your work.        (finish)
52.  Haste __________ waste.              (make)
53. If it __________ , we shall not go out.          (rain)
54.  Let us ___________ our work.            (finish)
55.  I ________ a letter yesterday.              (not write)
56. The dogs ___________ at night.            (bark)
57.  Let it be ____________.              (do)
58. Ali ____________ to school daily.            (go)
59.  Who has __________ his house?            (see)
60.  I ____________ this exercise in an hour time.        (finish)
61.  After you had left, I ___________ to sleep.          (go)
62. They were _________ hockey at that time.          (play)
63. I _________ this motor bike only a month ago.        (buy)
64. They had taken their meals before the guests ____________.    (arrive)
65. Charity ___________ at home.            (begin)
66. If he _______ hard, he will pass.            (work)
67.  We had never _________ the zoo before.          (see)
68.  He ________ there last year.              (not go)
69. He has just ________ a letter.              (receive)
70. The sun __________ in the east.            (rise)
71. Are they _______ idle?              (sit)
72. Have you _______ three cups of coffee?          (take)
73. He was riding a bike when he ____________ an accident.      (meet)
74. They ________ for London tomorrow.          (leave)
75. I ______________________ to him since March.        (not hear)
76. I __________ tea when the door bell rang.          (make)
77.  They __________ their meals before the guests arrived.      (take)
78.  I __________ the paper.              (read)
79.  All that _________ is not gold.            (glitter)
80.  People are ________ for picnic.            (go)
81.  The patient has ________ the medicine.          (take)
82. We have been ________ for you for two hours.        (wait)
83. She has been _________ the piano since 2’o clock.        (play)
84.  They ________ their breakfast after they had washed.      (take)
85. She _________ hard for the competition.          (work)
86. The fire _________at night.              (burn)
87.  Shahida _________ a sad song today.          (sing)
88. She has ____________ her lesson.            (learn)
89. She _______ English quite well.            (speak)
90. She __________ French for over two years.          (leave)
91.  I __________ the two books.              (read)
92. She ________ hard for the competition.          (work)
93. I ____________ the paper then.            (read)
94.  He __________ twenty minutes ago.           (leave)
95. She _________ before the party began.          (leave)

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