PPSC English MCQs Past Papers Solved

1. Wool gatheringmeaning- indulgence in aimless thoughts and dreamy imagination; absent minded.usage: Mother advised to her son to not wool gather and be serious2. Under the harrowmeaning: in difficult situation; distressusage:After giving divorce to her wife he is under the harrow now.3. Cold comfortmeaning: little comfort or encouragement.usage: After getting job Aslam is in cold […]

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English Literature MCQS for CSS PMS

1. Sylvia Plath married which English poet?a. Masefieldb. Causleyc. Hughesd. Larkin 2. Carl Sandburg ‘Planked whitefish’ contains what kind of imagery?a. Sea scenesb. Rural Idyllc. Ward. Innocent childhood 3. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?a. Emily Dickinsonb. Paul Dunbarc. John Greenleaf Whittierd. Walt Whitman 4. In 1960 ‘The Colossus’ was […]

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PPSC English Solved MCQS

Q.1.(a) Pick the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word. (5)(Do anyFIVE). Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.(i) ACRIMONIOUS(a) Bitter (b) Provocative (c) Cheap (d) Volatile(ii) CALLIGRAPHY(a) Computers  (b) Handwriting (c) Blood pressure (d) Brain waves(iii) UNEQUIVOCAL(a) Variable  (b) Plain (c) Unmistakable (d) Negligent(iv) DEMISE(a) […]

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