Important Minerals Functions, Source and Deficiency

Calcium: i) Role:a) It is essential constituent of bones and teeth.b) It is vital for metabolic process such as nerve function, muscle contraction, and blood clotting.ii) Source: Dairy Productsiii) Deficiency: Osteomalacia (softening of bones), Osteoporosis, Rickets, Tetany Iron: i) Role: It is the key constituent of haemoglobin which helps in transfer of oxygen.ii) Source: Eggs, […]

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What is Difference Between Antibodies and Antibiotics

Antibodies: Protein synthesized in the blood in response to the entry of foreign substances or organisms into the body. When the body get infected through virus or bacteria, specific antibody is produced which fights the disease. Antibiotics:These are substances which can stop the growth or destroy the bacteria or other microorganisms. The antibiotics are used […]

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What is Difference Between Ultrasonics and Infrasonic

Ultrasonics:The study of sound aves with high frequencies beyond the upper limit of human hearing or 20 thousand Hz. This technique is employed to locate a tumour, to scan a pregnant woman’s abdomen in order to produce a picture of foetus or to treat certain neurotically disorders. Infrasonic: These are the sound waves which have […]

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